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    • Collector All

    If you hate browsing, pausing, etc through videos like me, you might try going for a collectible map guide but the ones I found have missing icons/locations of the collectibles, specially the cassandra files and the ghost graffitis at the Hospital, dont trust the maps.

    You can go back to all areas before the museum, so before going to the museum, check what collectibles you have gotten and which ones you need to get from the Museum, the church's 2nd floor and the Judgement House.

    I used this checklist and it helped tons:

    The trickiest collectible for me was The Truth of Baxter part 1, since you collect that through evesdropping on a couple of police officers in town and I didnt think I had to posssess someone to get a collectible, so yeah.

    The Hospital's four ghost graffitis were tricky as well since I am a stubborn man and didnt want to use video guides and because the map didnt show two of them, I had to explore the whole level for them, ghost graffitis do not glow like other collectibles but instead have some weird glowing symbols near the wall they are supposed to be.

    The ones I was missing in the hospital were at the beginning of the level in the Laundry Room and before Iris's room, at the end of a hallway behind a wall.

    So yeah, if you dont mind videoguides, use those.

    The achievement will pop in the cellar of Judgement House once you grab the last collectible for the house's story right before finding the truth about the Bell Killer.
