
7 guides
  1. 0
    • Economic$ for dummie$

    The easiest way to do this is on Chapter 5 when you have access to the Sol system.

    Over there, every different planet has a different mineral you can collect and on Earth, a guy asks for 10 of each for random gadgets.

    Once you give him the 10 of each, you will use all minerals as currency and get this achievement.

    Or you can go around all the solar systems looking for him in different planets, just keep track of what you already used as currency.


  2. 0
    • It's Never Too Late

    I dont know if its a bug but instead of dying to a game over and doing this, you can wait until a new roleplayer joins your table and switch his default skill for something else, it looks like being new also counts as being recently dead.


  3. 0

    Depending on the Chapter you are, the highest perk might vary on Reputation points, for example, in Ch4, the highest perk is worth 2600 points.

    But, the number you are looking for is 6000 and you can unlock this achievement before the final chapter this way by grinding side quests for it.

    I gotta say the fastest and easiest sidequests are the escort ones.


  4. 0
    • Space Explorer

    I dont know the exact mechanics to find the lost artifacts but I wanted to share my observations on the matter since it was the last achievement I had to grind for.

    You get a chest every 10~12 monster kills, I always did two six monster fights and a chest spawned in a random white circle area.

    I got the last two chest by grinding fights in a level 14 planet (Ecco) for an hour or so (I was level 41) so, I dont think the monster/planet level matters for this only the current chest count, Im pretty sure you get the last artifact chest around the 50th chest you find but Im not 100% sure.

    My theory is that you find chests at 5th, 15th, 30th and 50th chest openings.

    From me finding the last two artifacts in the same planet we can be sure that it doesnt matter which planet you grind on, it might be even possible to get it even in the first planet and get those sweet extra skills.

    Well, and thats that. I had fun these past couple of days with this game and I hope you had fun too.


  5. 0
    • I got 99 items and a ratburger ain't one

    There is a metagame item (The bag of chips) that give you a discount on your purchases.

    The ratburger metagame item gives you a chance of doubling your purchased items.

    You can leave this one after the ending (The game will leave your savefile intact just before the last boss)

    or after you grind for the four lost artifacts, grinding for the artifacts will put you in a lot of fights leaving you with a lot of extra money to get this.

    With around 5000 credits, you can buy 100 items worth 50credits or less.. yeah, I know.. basic math but I wanted to give attention on how much money you will need for this.


  6. 0
    • 50 Credits

    Every chapter gives you access to a new system and every new big system also brings a hidden blacksmith in some planet.

    To get this achievement, you will need to buy all options from all blacksmiths for one single character.

    There is a type of player that gives you discounts on these upgrades if you bring her along, do this, its worth it.

    Here are the planets where you can find the Blacksmiths:

    Ch 1: Neotokyo

    Ch 2: Teramaga (After starting Blackmarket main quest)

    Ch 3: Lost Moon of Volkar

    Ch 4: Pectoralis Major

    Ch 5: Uranus

    Hope this helps!


  7. 0
    • Take it easy

    This is really easy with either the Achiever type of player or the Munchkin type of player being either Human or Reptoid.

    You dont have to use Opportunistic Strike for this, any critical that gets that high works.

    At the endgame you will have a lot of gadgets that increase your critical damage and base damage, sometimes both.

    By using those in combination with skills that let you do 100% critical strikes (like the one that lets you do criticals to enemies on fire) you can forget about critical chance gadgets and focus on pure damage.

    The saboteur also has a skill that eats a Marked enemy's Marked status to give every 100% more critical damage, this will help a lot.

    Pick a class that gives you both high Power stat and has the 20% more critical damage passive skill.

    Being a human will give you an extra gadget slot and reptoids come with a natural bonus to critical damage, its up to you to check which ones will work better for your build.

    And also, buying all the blacksmith weapon's upgrades increases your base damage as well as leveling, so you shouldnt have problems around level 35 or so.

    I once saw my Achiever sniper do 1,256 critical damage so yeah.. 500 is not that hard :3

    Cheers and Good Hunting!