Guide Revisions
Bug was fixed. Guide changed to reflect this.This achievement isn't nearly as bad as it sounds.
WhileJustItakewoulditrecommendsuperdoingslow"andSpeedrunnerIIIyou"(shouldcompletespeedrunbemodealright.inMakelesssurethanyou30don'tminutesdie)firsttoo,themuchgamebeforecurrentlySectionisE,programmedbecauseatherebitareweirdquite.*a*"Careful"willfewonlysectionspoptoifnavigateyouheregetthat10aredeathsmoreordifficultlesswhenonabsentaofpersonalbunnybesthoppingrunmomentum.OtherwiseI,evenrecommendifdoingyouthebeat"SpeedrunnerspeedrunIII"modeachievementwithoutfirstatosinglefamiliarizedeathyourself withbuttheitspeedrun'sslowermodethanstyleyourofPBplay,itpluswilltonotgetpopa.**Luckilyrefresher,youoncansomemessageofRumme,devearlier,tolevels. Note:deletetheyourpreviousleaderboardbugrankinginifwhich youalreadydidneededSpeedrunneraIIIanddon'tfeellikebeatingyourathe sub-11 death run.Heisgoingreprogramthewaycountthisachievementworkssoon,butdon'twastehoursofyourtimegoingit"Careful"justhastobeenfindfixed.outYouthatcanitnowwonget'tcountthisunderachievementtheonconditionsanyyourun'redoingitin.Anyways,goodregardlessluckofwithifthisachievement.Justtakesuperslowandyoushouldbealright.Makesureyoudon'tsdieyourtoopersonalmuchbeforebestSectionE,becausetherearequiteafewsectionstonavigateherethataremoredifficultwhenabsentofbunnyhoppingmomentum.This achievement isn't nearly as bad as it sounds.WhileIwouldrecommenddoing"SpeedrunnerIII"(completespeedrunmodeinlessthan30minutes)first,thegamecurrentlyisprogrammedabitweird.**"Careful"willonlypopifyouget10deathsorlessonapersonalbestrun.Otherwise,evenifyoubeatspeedrunmodewithoutasingledeathbutit'sslowerthanyourPB,itwillnotpop.**Luckily,youcanmessageRumme,dev,todeleteyourleaderboardrankingifyoualreadydidSpeedrunnerIIIanddon'tfeellikebeatingyourasub-11 death run.Heisgoingreprogramthewaythisachievementworkssoon,butdon'twastehoursofyourtimegoingitjusttofindoutthatitwon'tcountundertheconditionsyou'redoingitin.Anyways,goodluckwiththisachievement.Justtakesuperslowandyoushouldbealright.Makesureyoudon'tdietoomuchbeforeSectionE,becausetherearequiteafewsectionstonavigateherethataremoredifficultwhenabsentofbunnyhoppingmomentum.This achievement isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. Just take it super slow and you should be alright. Make sure you don't die too much before Section E, because there are quite a few sections to navigate here that are more difficult when absent of bunny hopping momentum. I recommend doing the "Speedrunner III" achievement first to familiarize yourself with the speedrun mode style of play, plus to get a refresher on some of the earlier levels. Note: the previous bug in which you needed a PB for the sub-11 death run to count for "Careful" has been fixed. You can now get this achievement on any run, regardless of if it's your personal best.This achievement isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. Just take it super slow and you should be alright. Make sure you don't die too much before Section E, because there are quite a few sections to navigate here that are more difficult when absent of bunny hopping momentum. I recommend doing the "Speedrunner III" achievement first to familiarize yourself with the speedrun mode style of play, plus to get a refresher on some of the earlier levels.
Note: the previous bug in which you needed a PB for the sub-11 death run to count for "Careful" has been fixed. You can now get this achievement on any run, regardless of if it's your personal best.
- Careful
This achievement isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. While I would recommend doing "Speedrunner III" (complete speedrun mode in less than 30 minutes) first, the game currently is programmed a bit weird. **"Careful" will only pop if you get 10 deaths or less on a personal best run. Otherwise, even if you beat speedrun mode without a single death but it's slower than your PB, it will not pop.** Luckily, you can message Rumme, the dev, to delete your leaderboard ranking if you already did Speedrunner III and don't feel like beating your PB for a sub-11 death run. He is going to reprogram the way this achievement works soon, but don't waste hours of your time going for it just to find out that it won't count under the conditions you're doing it in. Anyways, good luck with this achievement. Just take it super slow and you should be alright. Make sure you don't die too much before Section E, because there are quite a few sections to navigate here that are more difficult when absent of bunny hopping momentum.This achievement isn't nearly as bad as it sounds. While I would recommend doing "Speedrunner III" (complete speedrun mode in less than 30 minutes) first, the game currently is programmed a bit weird. "Careful" will only pop if you get 10 deaths or less on a personal best run. Otherwise, even if you beat speedrun mode without a single death but it's slower than your PB, it will not pop. Luckily, you can message Rumme, the dev, to delete your leaderboard ranking if you already did Speedrunner III and don't feel like beating your PB for a sub-11 death run. He is going to reprogram the way this achievement works soon, but don't waste hours of your time going for it just to find out that it won't count under the conditions you're doing it in.
Anyways, good luck with this achievement. Just take it super slow and you should be alright. Make sure you don't die too much before Section E, because there are quite a few sections to navigate here that are more difficult when absent of bunny hopping momentum.