
General Settings

Check the option above to always display the seconds of unlocking dates instead of only minutes.

Check the option above to use the 24-hour clock format for all of the displayed dates on this website instead of the 12-hour one.

For example, checking the option above will sort The Elder Scrolls games under "T" instead of "E".

Preferred review score:

Overwhelmingly Positive > Very Positive > Positive > Mostly Positive > Mixed > Mostly Negative > Negative > Very Negative > Overwhelmingly Negative

For more information, see this SteamDB blog post.

Profile Settings


Completed games:

Total achievements:

Points per achievement:

Average game completion:

Started games:


Points Settings

Preferred points system:

This points system is Steam Hunters' default points system since July 2021. It calculates achievement rarity based on users that are on Steam Hunters.

This points system calculates achievement rarity based on Steam's global unlock percentages. It uses other data points from Steam Hunters to adjust the percentages to account for cheaters and players without achievements.

Appearance Settings

Select columns below to colorize their percentage values, ranging from red (0%) to green (100%).

These options apply to the profiles list and friends lists found on profiles.

These options apply to the games list and similar lists found on profiles.

Select icons below to display them next to games in lists.

These options apply to the games list and similar lists found on profiles.