Guide Revisions
added 29 characters in body### Capitulo 4 - Chapter 4 In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on **[YouTube](** or **[](**, but in the video only see the second time. Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en **[YouTube](** o **[](**, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on **[YouTube](** or **[](**, but in the video only see the second time. Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en **[YouTube](** o **[](**, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.### Capitulo 4 - Chapter 4 In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on **[YouTube](** or **[](**, but in the video only see the second time. Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en **[YouTube](** o **[](**, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.
Capitulo 4 - Chapter 4
In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on YouTube or, but in the video only see the second time.
Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en YouTube o, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.
swapped Spanish and English text
AquiInunicamentethishayyouquefindbuscartheelmicrophonemicrofonoandyyoudarletouch 2vecestimes,lathe firstprimeratimediraitquewill saynodoesn'tfuncionaworkyand thelasecondsegundatimeseitpondrawillastartcantarsinging,versee videoenon **[YoutubeYouTube](**oor **[](**,aunquebuteninelthe videosoloonlyseseevethelasecond2ªtimevez.InAquithisunicamenteyouhayfindquethebuscarmicrophoneelandmicrofonoyouytouchdarle 2timesveces,thelafirstprimeratimediraitquewillnosayfuncionadoesny'tworklaandsegundathesesecondpondratimeaitwillcantarstartsinging,seever videoonen **[YoutubeYouTube](** o **[](**,butaunqueinentheel video soloonlyseseevethelasecond2ªtimevez.Aquiunicamentehayquebuscarelmicrofonoydarle2veces,laprimeradiraquenofuncionaylasegundasepondraacantar,vervideoen**[Youtube](**o**[](**,aunqueenelvideosolosevela2ªvez.Inthisyoufindthemicrophoneandyoutouch2times,thefirsttimeitwillsaydoesn'tworkandthesecondtimeitwillstartsinging,seevideoon**[Youtube](** o **[](**,butinthevideoonlyseethesecondtime.In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on **[YouTube](** or **[](**, but in the video only see the second time. Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en **[YouTube](** o **[](**, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on YouTube or, but in the video only see the second time.
Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en YouTube o, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.
- Soundcheck
Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en **[Youtube](** o **[](**, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez. In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on **[Youtube](** o **[](**, but in the video only see the second time.Aqui unicamente hay que buscar el microfono y darle 2 veces, la primera dira que no funciona y la segunda se pondra a cantar, ver video en Youtube o, aunque en el video solo se ve la 2ª vez.
In this you find the microphone and you touch 2 times, the first time it will say doesn't work and the second time it will start singing, see video on Youtube o, but in the video only see the second time.