Guides for "Xenophobia"

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    • Xenophobia

    The altars give you bonuses that help you in climbing. To reach the top of the mountain without their help always keep your character with more stamina in the lead and the weakest in the rear (so he can regain some energy).

    Heater: Always keep the heater in the second or third position (in the second position you keep the leading character warm for longer). Go changing the positions of the characters so that everyone stays warm. It is important to note that everyone recovers stamina at staging points, but they do not get warmer, so stay tuned.

    Leadership: Jack is my favorite to lead. He stays for longer in the front and recovers quickly when left behind. When you need him to rest just alternate between the other characters in the lead. Liam and Sarah are also good choices.

    Weapons: Always leave the pistol with the person in the lead as it is lighter, and the rifle somewhere farther back. The best characters to carry weapons are Jack, Liam and Sarah.

    This achievement requires constant change of positions of the characters in the group to get to the top of the mountain.