Guides for "Rush Plortmaster"
- Rush Plortmaster
There are plenty of videos on YouTube that detail people's playthroughs of this newer version of Rush Mode, however, many of them leave a lot up to you to figure out in terms of your ranch managing process. You should of course already know the map pretty well and be familiar with the game (should have 54/57 achievements before attempting Rush Mode) but it can be scary jumping into a timed mode like this without knowing EXACTLY what to do.
After watching several guides I found on YouTube I found one that suited me EXTREMELY well that, by using it, I managed to get Rush Mode done with 122,200 newbucks on my first try. It doesn't involve drones or anything too complicated, and every step is detailed. You might be a little bit slower than the creator of this video, but remember that you do have a good chunk of leeway (for example, in my run I lost around 5 whole minutes trying to find 40 honey and quantum slimes, I also didn't even bother with trying to get all of the plort bonuses nor did I bother doing the fourth Ranch Exchange task as I already had sufficient funds for the achievement)
The legendary video guide I speak of is this one:
Slime Rancher Rush Mode v1.2 Walkthrough by ChiralKyle
No commentary, simply well thought out text captions explaining only the essentials of every step of the process.
I also uploaded my personal playthrough of this achievement to YouTube. I use all of the exact same strategies outlined in the video above.
Slime Rancher | "Rush Plortmaster" Achievement Rush Mode Full Run (122,220) by Mercury
Good luck! And remember, you can PAUSE THE GAME to freeze the clock.
0- Rush Challenger
- Rush Champion
- Rush Plortmaster
This achievement is easier than it sounds. After reading a lot of guides on how to do it (and actually getting it) i noticed that they are all more complicated than it has to be.
The achievement requires you to have 75k at the end of the run...unless you use the 25 plort bonuses, which are one of the main things you need to get for your own sake
General steps I followed
- Create a new save until you get a very easy first exchange and complete it asap. Exchanges give you needed to feed gold gordos
- Pop two golden gordos and sell all the plorts (or one if you want to carry the leftover fruits for a while)
- Get one corral with plort collector, high walls and a ceiling (all the corrals obtained only require this). While you're at it place down two teleporter entrances OF DIFFERENT COLORS
- Get two gardens and max them out.
- Run into the dry reef, grab a combined 14 of rock and tabby slimes, they will be one of the gordo combos early on to get rid of.
- Get 60 fruits and pop two key gordos. Gordos that hold keys only need 30 fruit each, 15 if you use the favorite. I recommend a pink and the phosphor gordos since they are the easiest
- Grab 3 Rock Plorts and cheese into The Moss Blanket by flying into the pillar and on top of the gate, you do not use your key to enter it, it is a waste
- Put one of the teleporter exits of your choice inside for easy access.
- Rush to the glass desert and restore one of the fountains, you'll grab as many tangle, dervish and mosaic slimes as you can, they'll be your main source. Don't forget to get prickly pears
- Put your other teleporter exit in there for easy access
- Return to your farm, plant prickly pears into the gardens and make dervish-somethingi gordos, you'll use the fact that prickly pear give double plorts
Do a very easy exchange, pop gold gordos, get 2 slime keys, put 2 teleporters on your ranch, rush to the glass desert with 3 rock plorts by cheesing into it, not using a key. Put a teleporter in the moss blanket and go to the glass desert (and put the other teleporter there). Get as many of the high tier slimes as possible to make money and return, afterwards get as many plort bonuses as you can.
Ideally all this should be done by Day 1 and is relatively simple if you get the route in your mind beforehand.
Afterwards all you have to do is get as many of the 25 plort bonus as you can, as help you with a % increase for your final score.
You don't have to be super fast ironically
I played extremelly inefficient as in the run I got the achievement (and my first run as well), I didn't have routes memorized and got lost for like 10 minutes, whilst also not doing the last 2 exchanges due to getting locked behind one for too long. Not only that but my choice of slimes for money was very bad since I was too focused on bonuses, only had two corrals with mosaic-dervish gordos when you could get a lot more, as long as you do it early so it pays off in the long run.
For reference, here are the plort bonuses I went for and my final result
Bonuses- Pink, Rock, Phosphor, Tabby, Radioactive, Honey, Boom, Puddle, Quantum, Dervish, Mosaic, Tangle and Gold
- 71296 newbucks + 77% bonus = 126198 final score
0- Rush Challenger
- Rush Champion
- Rush Plortmaster
This is a guide going over the three rush mode achievements in Slime Rancher and details for a strategy you can go through to get them all in one run.
I have also made a video guide for this which you can find below, or you can check the written version over on my website here. 😃
Rush mode is a separate mode in the game that you can do instead of the normal story or sandbox version and it can be pretty tricky to get the three achievements for it. Hence why they're some of the rarest in the game.
The Strategy
The reason this achievement is so difficult is because you're on a time limit. That means you'll have to rush - hah makes sense - and take any opportunity to increase your time limit. This comes from the mission board. You'll get one new mission each day that will increase your timer. This is your actual top priority each time it comes available. If you take too long you'll miss your opportunity to increase time again.
You also need to make as much money as possible which means we're going to have 3 goals in our strategy here.
- These big golden boys. We're going to stuff them full of gilded ginger and then gun down the golden slimes that pop out. This is going to get us a majority of the way to our 75,000, but we have two other things to give us an extra boost.
- You get a bonus of around 5 to 8% for each slime you have "completed." And by that I just mean sell 25 of their plorts and you get a bonus. This gets you quite a bit as well as long as you complete quite a few of them.
- The least of all of these will be good ol' fashioned ranching. We don't have time for most ranching though so we'll be focusing on rushing to farm some of the most valuable slimes rancher than a bunch of low tier ones.
Long story short, we're going to gain as much money as possible from our big golden gordos, fill out the rest of our 75,000 with our income from high tier slime ranching, and then our multiplier from completing slime plorts should shoot us over the top.Now with the general strategy out of the way let's go through the day by day. Buckle up because we're going to have to move quick.
Day 1
Ah our first day on a new ranch. Time to get moving. You'll want to quickly go accept the mission at the range exchange. This one should be fairly easy and you should be able to do it all from things in the dry reef.
Before heading out you'll want to drop your three teleporters in front of the range exchange so we have easy access from all of the major areas.
From there you'll want to go ahead and run around the dry reef picking up whatever you need for the first range exchange, at least 30 fruit, and 20 other food.
You could start from either end of the dry reef and just basically make a circle around back to the ranch and be fine. In doing this route around you'll have three main objectives.
- Burst the pink gordo on the island out in the middle of the lake using 20 vegetables preferably, but other food will also do. Just try not to use fruit so we can save it for the next objective. Grab the slime key that it drops.
- Burst the Phosphor Gordo that's in the cave down below in that similar area. This will take 30 fruit to do, but if you have any cuberry that will count as double. grab the key that it drops as well.
- Once you make it back the ranch with everything needed for the first ranch exchange, and remember we're going as fast as we can doing these things, you'll turn that in and grab the gilded gingers that you get as a reward as well as increase your timer.
You'll then want to get a silo built to have a bit of storage and place 3 of your six gilded ginger in there.
As long as you have 20 to 30 pieces of food you're ready to go burst the golden gordo sitting right outside the ranch near the dry reef main entrance. So stuff that golden boy full of the three gilded ginger and get your other food ready to gun down all of the golden slimes that pop out. You'll want to spam shoot food to get as many as possible because these guys are quick and they disappear pretty quickly.
Then either place down your market link to quickly sell those plorts, or go back to the ranch to do it. Either way is fine for this one, but in the future you'll want to place the market link, sell things, and then pick it back up.
Now with that all out of the way we'll head towards the moss blanket. You can skip the slime key door there by following these steps.
You'll come up to the pole on the bridge closest to a slime statue in the water near the gate door.
Then jetpack up on top of it. Then over to the top of the nearby statue.
Let your jetpack refill and then you should be able to make it to the cliffs above the slime door. From there keep going into the mossy blanket and place a teleporter somewhere out there.
In order to passively work on getting 25 water plorts for that bonus we're going to want to pick up a few water slimes from the pond, and of course whatever plorts they have, and then teleport back to the ranch to put a pond down for them in the grotto. Pick up any water plorts they have and sell them when we come back to the ranch to keep that going. You can also throw down a drone to pick up the plorts and take them to the market link. Don't put the market link down yet, but we're just preparing for later. Be sure to also pick those other three gilded ginger up from your silo.
Now head back through your mossy blanket teleporter and rush to the ancient ruins as fast as you can while collecting as much fruit as you can. You'll want at least 30 before you get to the glass desert. You'll also want to try to make sure you have an additional 20 or 30 other items to shoot out for the next gold gordo.
You'll also want to try to pick up three rock plorts on your way.
As you get up to the ruins you'll want to look in the first large open area to find this golden gordo. Use your gilded ginger to burst it and gun down all of the gold slimes that pop out. Of course you'll then pick those plorts up, place down your market link to sell them, and pick it back up.
Pick up fruit to get to at least 30 of those, and make sure you get those 3 rock plorts as you make your way into the glass desert. Around this point you'll be getting to day 2.
Day 2
Once you get there you'll have three main things you're trying to get done as quickly as possible. The reason we're rushing through things is because each day you get another range exchange mission and we don't want to miss one. So once it gets to about midday on day 2 you'll want to get back to the ranch to pick it up.
Until then we'll need to take of a few things like:
- Collecting as many high value slimes as we can from this area. This starts with popping the dervish gordo that's up above the exit of the first area. He likes fruit so shoot those into him and take the key that he drops.
Then we'll go into the second area where the "Tangle Gordo's House" thing is and place down another teleporter.
Pop the tangle gordo over here with one of the chickens that walk around in the area. It'll only take one of these and then you pick up the tangle slimes that come from it.
You'll then want to go down to the ancient water area and activate it. Then take the water and create as many oases as you can in that area. As long as you know where the locations of them are you should be able to get them in that one run, but feel free to do a second water run creating oases if needed. Then grab any dervish, mosaic, and tangle slimes that you can find.
- Any time the fire storms start happening and fire slimes drop down then immediately go grab them. If you get them then you can throw down an incinerator and ash pit to farm some of their plorts in the grotto as well. Put another drone down to take their plorts to the market link and feel free to put that down at this point as well to get some passive income going.
- As soon as you see some prickly pears you need to pick those up and go to the ranch to set up four fully upgraded gardens all with prickly pear trees.
Now you should hopefully be at about midday or so of day 2 and you'll want to head back to the ranch to pick up day 2's range exchange and get to work completing that. We need that to be completed as quickly as possible.
Any spare time you have on day 2 we'll spend getting four corrals set up. Two for dervish-mosaic slimes and two for dervish-tangle slimes in the main ranch area along with the four prickly pear farms. You'll want to get at least 5 or 6 largos in each pen, but I wouldn't go above 10 or so. It gets pretty hard to keep up with their hunger past that point.
Put another two drones down in the main ranch area. One will be set to take food from the gardens to the auto-feeders, and one will be set to take plorts from plort collectors and send them to the market. More passive income, heck yea.
You may also want to turn additional plots in expansion areas into prickly pear farms as well to help manually feed corrals that aren't getting enough food. Or just unload pears into corrals to get more plorts.
Days 3 and 4
Now getting into days 3 and 4 we're basically going to be doing the same thing the entire time. You don't have to rush as hard, but it's always good to go as fast as possible to ensure you'll actually reach the 75,000 goal for the hardest achievement.
The main objective for these days will be first of all to check the range exchange every day when it refreshes so you can get these done. This is top priority always since it buys you another 12 hours in game and gets you another 6 gilded ginger. Store all of the ginger until later when we go gold slime hunting.
Any time you go back to the ranch quickly water the four drones, and check for plorts that have flown outside of corrals. This will happen quite a bit unfortunately.
- All of your free time these two days should be spent trying to hit the 25 plort bonus for as many kinds of plorts as you can. Generally you'll want to focus on one kind at a time. Just take plorts, don't worry about trying to ranch the slimes. It won't be worth it.
The general order that you'll want to go through focusing on these is:
- Pink - You'll probably have enough already at this point, but if not they're super easy to farm anywhere.
- Phosphor - You'll want to make this priority 1 when it's at night. During the day just skip this one so you can keep farming others.
- Rock - There's plenty in the dry reef, or you can head over to the indigo quarry to get more.
- Tabby - Again there's plenty in the dry reef, or you can head over to the mossy blanket.
- Boom - There's a few areas in the mossy blanket with a lot of these, and quite a bit in the indigo quarry.
- Rad - These are everywhere in the indigo quarry a little ways in.
- Quantum - These are all over the place in the ruins, but it's usually not the easiest to get in and out of here quickly so you may not want to go for this too hard.
- Honey - These are also pretty tough, but there are a few places you can farm them in the mossy blanket.
- Crystal - There are quite a few in a cave in the indigo quarry that I used to farm these. That's probably your best bet for those and you get rad and boom pretty close by.
- Hunter - These are pretty terrible to try to do so you probably want to skip them, but there are some throughout the mossy blanket.
- All of the others we're passively going to farm, and we'll farm the rest of our gold plorts later on.
Day 5
Once you do that final range exchange you should have 18 or so gilded ginger in storage. Take those and a full stack of prickly pears if you can. It's time to hunt some golden slimes.
You may want to pick up the market link from in the grotto so you can easily sell the plorts you get while popping golden gordos.
First we'll head over to the ring island which you can get to by going out of the overgrowth expansion area into the dry reef and popping the tabby gordo sitting on a small island in the water.
There's going to be three golden gordos here which you'll pop and then machine gun down with your pears and clean up all of those golden plorts.
Then there's another three golden gordos that we can pop over on the ash island which you can get to by going over to the indigo quarry and popping the rock gordo that's at the back of the island area. Same as with the others, you'll pop those and gun down the golden slimes to get all of those sweet sweet plorts.
If you have any time left after doing these then you'll want to work on either completing the 25 plort bonus for more types of slimes, or just farm more plorts from your corrals. Whichever you have time for/would get you more value.
And then at that point once it ends you should have more than enough points to get over 75,000 and get all three of the Rush mode achievements.
And there you go! Now you're all set to be a rush plort master! If you found the written guide helpful be sure to like/favorite it and drop some feedback down below.
If you found the video guides helpful be sure to also like, comment, and subscribe over on Youtube.