Guides for "Published Creator"
- Published Creator
Use the following depot:
-app 527790 -depot 527791 -manifest 5957723597799446907
It's the only build where the achievement is possible. The part that tripped me up here was the level editor itself. You will want to double click the "create a new level" button on the left (of course under the "create" menu). Put in a level name, then save. Double click on this "create a new level" button a second time after doing this. I pressed "publish" within the level editor a couple times followed by the "preview level" button, but these steps may be unnecessary. Once you press "Home" you should see your level pop up in the "create" menu. Press the "publish" button within this menu (of course with your level selected) and you'll be prompted to input a name and description and then press "upload" (I got a "please give your item a non-empty name" error at first for reasons beyond my understanding, but literally editing the description and pressing "upload" again fixed it for me). You may also be prompted to sign the Steam workshop legal agreement, but after that pressing "upload" will actually upload the level and grant the achievement!
First half of my video also shows this off: