Guides for "「V??oid Fiend』: Mastery"

「V??oid Fiend』: Mastery×
  1. 1
    • Huntress: Mastery
    • Commando: Mastery
    • Engineer: Mastery
    • MUL-T: Mastery
    • Captain: Mastery
    • Mercenary: Mastery
    • Artificer: Mastery
    • Loader: Mastery
    • Acrid: Mastery
    • REX: Mastery
    • Bandit: Mastery
    • Railgunner: Mastery
    • 「V??oid Fiend』: Mastery

    (Note: This is not the only way, but it is one of the most reliable ways of getting it if you struggle with any of these)

    1. Start a New game on Monsoon difficulty. Equip Artifact of Command, Artifact of Sacrifice and Artifact of Swarms. (Note: You can also equip Artifact of Kin if you are struggling with attacking certain enemies at the start.)

    2. The gameplan is to basically just farm the monsters in the starting stage. I suggest picking up:

    • 5-15x Tougher Times
    • Any healing items (Cautious Slug, Harvester's Scythe, Leeching Seed, etc.)
    • Anything you want for Damage on the character. If you are wondering on what items are good, I recommend checking a guide on that.
    • If you find a red item, I personally recommend picking up Homing Daggers.
      The goal with this build is to basically just survive everything that comes after the first area.
    1. When you are continuing the game, just focus on getting to stage 5. When there you are going to shift the destination of the next portal. You can do that by interracting with the outermost pillars, they will then shift. Forming a straight line instead of being lined up randomly. Doing this lets you skip Mithrix so you don't die because he takes your items.

    2. Continue on until you get to stage 8. After you defeat the boss there, a Celestial portal will spawn. Go through that. Now you are in the last area. Go to the bottom, click the obelisk a few times. You will now have the achievement for that character safely.

    (Note: Will say again that this guide is only for those who struggle with getting these achievements, but don't wan't to play a high risk game. This is a very slow paced way to do it, and might be a bit boring to do them all in a row.)