Guides for "Lifesaver"

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    • Keen-Eyed Sleuth
    • Lifesaver
    • This Way, That Way

    Start a new game and skip the opening cutscenes. Once you have control of Jane (your character) follow the prompts to learn the movement controls and pick up the pickaxe. Now turn 180° and click on the blue arrow to move towards the next scene. Click on the next blue arrow to exit the cave and as you do so there will be a cave in. Follow the prompts to clear the rocks using the pickaxe and click on the final blue arrow to move outside.

    Once outside use the back arrow to return to the cave and then the blue arrow to exit again. Repeat until the This Way, That Way achievement unlocks.

    If necesarry head back outside and click on your journal which is partially buried in the sand in front of the helicopter and also pick up the key hidden beneath it then use the key on the locked chest.

    Once you have the chest opened place the Bandages, Tape and the Bottle inside the Medkit box and click it once more to pick it up. After using the Medkit on Hawk you will then be asked to find Water.

    Click on the Helicopter and you will enter a typical hidden object game that requires you to locate the following objects: Bandana (blue, top left corner), Boot (glack, middle), Canteen (Green, beneath the purple and red ropes), Metal Ladder (Silver, through the far door), Utility Vest (khaki, top right), Binoculars (black, just below utility Vest), Camel (photograph to the left of the Binoculars), Hat (green, to the left of the purple and red ropes), Radio (black, just below the Hat) and a Prybar (black, far left with a starfish on it).

    Once you've found all the items without using the hint button the Keen-Eyed Sleuth achievement will unlock.

    Now use the blue arrow twice to return back to the starting scene, turn left and use the empty canteen on the pool of water. Now head back outside and use the canteen on Hawk.

    This unlocks the achievement and after one more cutscene the first episode ends.