
35 achievements
  1. Wizard Hunter 2348 3 Feb '21

    0 / 35 achievements worth 50 (0 %)
    1. More than a Massacre

      Kill 110% or more of all wizards

      0 %

    2. Super Heaven

      Kill a wizard twice and end the level with them dead

      0 %

    3. No Harm, No Foul

      Kill everyone (including civilians), and end the level with everyone alive.

      0 %

    4. Walk in the Park

      Finish the Intro campaign.

      0 %

    5. For the Motherland

      Finish the Vacation campaign.

      0 %

    6. Crystal Method

      Finish the Crystallize campaign.

      0 %

    7. Spooky 4

      Finish the Spooky campaign.

      0 %

    8. Reckless Driving

      Kill all enemies in a mission by running them over.

      0 %

    9. The Best Offense

      Get War stamp on a defense mission

      0 %

    10. Bleeding Hearts Liberally

      Finish the Supply Lines campaign.

      0 %

    11. Food Chain Breaker

      Kill 100 eagles

      0 %

    12. Dreaming of a White Merriment Day

      Finish the Winter Wonderland campaign.

      0 %

    13. Application Denied

      Finish the Paperworks campaign.

      0 %

    14. For King and Country

      Finish the Emperor's New Home campaign.

      0 %

    15. Eternal Reign

      Finish the 2 years later campaign.

      0 %

    16. If Only You Could Talk To These Creatures

      Beat the Noose Anchor level peacefully.

      0 %

    17. Smug Jerk

      Fail every dialogue tree by making the wrong choices.

      0 %

    18. Dead and Buried

      Bury 100 bodies

      0 %

    19. Ask Questions Later

      Skip every negotiation

      0 %

    20. Tilted Priorities

      Deal more than $1000000 in property damage in a level without killing anyone.

      0 %

    21. The Lotion

      Get War Stamp with the fire hose without using secondary fire or running anyone over.

      0 %

    22. Monk

      Get No Shots Fired award on all levels.

      0 %

    23. Look Ma, No Tank!

      Beat every level with Zero Tank.

      0 %

    24. Right Twice Today

      Stop all the clocks in It Gets Deeper

      0 %

    25. Harm No Fowl

      End the level with all eagles and chickens alive and no other enemies alive.

      0 %

    26. Hoser

      Beat ten levels with the fire hose

      0 %

    27. Go For the Eyes, Boo!

      Kill five Brainmasters with melee attacks as Zero Tank.

      0 %

    28. You Don't Have to Kill Anyone

      Get Peace award on all levels.

      0 %

    29. Whisper Quiet

      Get Master Silencer Award on all levels.

      0 %

    30. Death Comes For Us All

      Get War award on all levels.

      0 %

    31. Marksfox

      Get Perfect Shot award on all levels.

      0 %

    32. Shields Are For Wimps

      Get Indomitable Warrior award on all levels.

      0 %

    33. It Takes a Wizard

      Beat every level with Wizard.

      0 %

    34. Blitzkrieg

      Beat every level with Tank.

      0 %

    35. Good Cop, Bad Cop

      Beat every dialogue tree with both players speaking in co-op.

      0 %