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Showing 2,801–2,900 of 3,091 games
Title Unlocked Achievements Ach. % Completion State Earned Points Latest Achievement Duration Playtime Fastest Median Compl. Players % Release Date Steam Review Score
Title Unlocked Achievements Ach. % Completion State Earned Points Latest Achievement Duration Playtime Fastest Median Compl. Players % Release Date Steam Review Score
The Joylancer: Legendary Motor Knight00m007 Nov, 2014
The Moon Sliver00m0028 Oct, 2014
F.E.A.R. Online02h 22m0021 Oct, 2014
Temporality010m007 Oct, 2014
Wrestling Revolution 3D02h 13m001 Oct, 2014
Silence of the Sleep00m001 Oct, 2014
War Operations00m0018 Sep, 2014
Reprisal Universe00m0015 Sep, 2014
Claustrophobia: The Downward Struggle00m009 Sep, 2014
Commando Jack00m0022 Aug, 2014
Five Nights at Freddy's019m0018 Aug, 2014
Psichodelya00m008 Aug, 2014
Blackbay Asylum00m001 Aug, 2014
Pixel Hunter016m0018 Jul, 2014
Pressured00m0018 Jul, 2014
The Nightmare Cooperative00m0016 Jul, 2014
Cyto00m0010 Jul, 2014
The Howler06m003 Jul, 2014
Run For Rum00m002 Jul, 2014
Cult of the Wind00m0030 Jun, 2014
Magicite00m009 Jun, 2014
Dead Bits00m007 Jun, 2014
Nether04h 32m005 Jun, 2014
Defiance012h 06m004 Jun, 2014
Dark Raid00m003 Jun, 2014
Stomping Land01h 28m0030 May, 2014
GEARCRACK Arena00m0029 May, 2014
Dracula 4 and 5 - Special Steam Edition00m0029 May, 2014
Magicka: Wizard Wars00m0027 May, 2014
Hippocampal: The White Sofa00m0027 May, 2014
Inescapable00m0022 May, 2014
Them - The Summoning00m0016 May, 2014
Monster Challenge Circus00m0015 May, 2014
Coma: Mortuary00m0012 May, 2014
Coldfire Keep00m009 May, 2014
Witch's Pranks: Frog's Fortune Collector's Edition00m007 May, 2014
8BitBoy021m006 May, 2014
FarSky023m0025 Apr, 2014
Rogue Shooter: The FPS Roguelike012m0024 Apr, 2014
Overcast - Walden and the Werewolf00m0018 Apr, 2014
Dracula 3: The Path of the Dragon00m0017 Apr, 2014
Dracula: The Resurrection00m0017 Apr, 2014
House of 1,000 Doors - Family Secrets00m007 Apr, 2014
Shannon Tweed's Attack Of The Groupies06h 48m001 Apr, 2014
Real Horror Stories Ultimate Edition00m001 Apr, 2014
Dark Shadows - Army of Evil01m0011 Mar, 2014
NaissanceE09m0013 Feb, 2014
Super Killer Hornet: Resurrection00m005 Feb, 2014
how do you Do It?01m0026 Jan, 2014
Wreckfest Throw-A-Santa + Sneak Peek 2.000m0014 Jan, 2014
3089 -- Futuristic Action RPG00m0010 Jan, 2014
MURI00m006 Dec, 2013
Nimble Quest04h 15m006 Dec, 2013
Cobi Treasure Deluxe00m002 Dec, 2013
Zombie Solitaire00m0015 Nov, 2013
Earth 2140 HD00m0015 Nov, 2013
Project Zomboid0137h 20m008 Nov, 2013
Super Amazing Wagon Adventure00m0017 Oct, 2013
Knights and Merchants00m0014 Oct, 2013
Hard Time00m001 Oct, 2013
Day One: Garry's Incident00m0025 Sep, 2013
9.03m01m0012 Sep, 2013
Sir, You Are Being Hunted00m0019 Aug, 2013
Postmortem: one must die (Extended Cut)00m0015 Aug, 2013
Robot vs Birds Zombies04m001 Jun, 2013
Pirates vs Corsairs: Davy Jones's Gold00m0023 May, 2013
Receiver00m0029 Apr, 2013
Cry of Fear04h 07m0025 Apr, 2013
Don't Starve00m0023 Apr, 2013
Small Town Terrors Pilgrim's Hook Collector's Edition00m0018 Apr, 2013
Starseed Pilgrim00m0016 Apr, 2013
Numba Deluxe00m0023 Mar, 2013
Shadows: Price For Our Sins00m0021 Mar, 2013
Trials Evolution Gold Edition00m0021 Mar, 2013
Shattered Haven00m0018 Mar, 2013
Chernobyl Commando00m008 Mar, 2013
Crysis® 300m0019 Feb, 2013
Antichamber00m0031 Jan, 2013
Sacred 2 Gold00m0021 Dec, 2012
Haunted00m0011 Dec, 2012
McPixel00m0025 Sep, 2012
The Juicer013m006 Sep, 2012
I Am Alive00m006 Sep, 2012
Penny Arcade's On the Rain-Slick Precipice of Darkness 300m0025 Jun, 2012
LEGO® Batman™ 2: DC Super Heroes00m0022 Jun, 2012
Half-Life 2: Year Long Alarm020m0024 Apr, 2012
Lone Survivor: The Director's Cut00m0023 Apr, 2012
Rayman Origins05h 17m0029 Mar, 2012
Fowl Space00m0021 Mar, 2012
Jane's Advanced Strike Fighters00m008 Mar, 2012
The Old Tree010m0024 Feb, 2012
Mountain Crime: Requital00m0024 Dec, 2011
Fable - The Lost Chapters00m0019 Dec, 2011
3079 -- Block Action RPG01m0025 Oct, 2011
Worms Pinball00m0019 Oct, 2011
Arma: Cold War Assault00m008 Aug, 2011
Trapped Dead01h 46m0015 Jul, 2011
Cthulhu Saves the World00m0013 Jul, 2011
Breath of Death VII00m0013 Jul, 2011
Arma: Gold Edition00m0013 Jul, 2011
Showing 2,801–2,900 of 3,091 games