
60 achievements
  1. RAGE 4 Oct '11

    2 / 50 base game achievements worth 7,795 (4 %)
    1. Ghost Buster

      Complete Ghost Hideout in the Campaign

      97.3 %

      19 Mar '25
      03:00 pm

    2. Waste Management

      Complete Wasted Garage in the Campaign

      79.5 %

    3. Lead Foot

      Win a Race in the Campaign

      70.3 %

    4. Gladiator

      Complete Mutant Bash TV in the Campaign

      60.1 %

    5. Open Minded

      Get 10 Headshot kills with the Sniper Rifle

      60.0 %

    6. Arts and Crafts

      Construct 10 Engineering Items

      57.5 %

    7. Debunked

      Complete Shrouded Bunker in the Campaign

      53.6 %

    8. It's Alive!

      Complete Dead City in the Campaign

      53.4 %

    9. Wellness Plan

      Complete The Well in the Campaign

      49.9 %

    10. Jail Break

      Complete Authority Prison in the Campaign

      47.3 %

    11. ytiC daeD

      Complete Dead City Reverse in the Campaign

      45.6 %

    12. Decapathon

      Get 10 Headshot kills with the Wingstick

      44.5 %

      19 Mar '25
      04:23 pm

    13. Mutie Blues

      Complete Blue Line Station in the Campaign

      43.9 %

    14. Vault Assault

      Complete Gearhead Vault in the Campaign

      42.5 %

    15. Jetpacker

      Kill an Authority Enforcer during Jetpack descent

      41.3 %

    16. Power Struggle

      Complete Power Plant in the Campaign

      40.9 %

    17. Mr. Oddjob

      Complete 5 Job Board Quests in one play-through

      40.6 %

    18. Decrypted

      Complete Jackal Canyon in the Campaign

      39.8 %

    19. Hey, not too rough

      Finish the Campaign on any difficulty

      38.6 %

    20. Demolition Man

      Destroy 100 Enemy Cars

      36.9 %

    21. Tinkerer

      Construct 50 Engineering Items

      36.4 %

    22. Hurt me plenty

      Finish the Campaign on at least Normal difficulty

      33.7 %

    23. Passive Aggressive

      Get 3 kills with a single Sentry Bot

      31.7 %

    24. Bringin' Home the Bacon

      Earn 750 Dollars in one episode of Bash TV in the Campaign

      29.7 %

    25. Roadkill

      Run over 10 Mutants

      28.8 %

    26. Silent But Deadly

      Stealth kill 10 Enemies with the Striker Crossbow

      28.5 %

    27. JACKPOT!

      Roll 4 Targets in the first round of Tombstones

      26.7 %

    28. Keep 'Em Coming

      Get 5 kills with one deployed Sentry Turret

      24.8 %

    29. Master Chef

      Collect all Recipes and Schematics in one play-through

      21.5 %

    30. The Legend Begins...

      Complete a Legend of the Wasteland

      20.8 %

    31. Three Birds, One Bomb Car

      Kill 3 Enemies with one RC Bomb Car

      20.5 %

    32. Rage Cup

      Win all Races in the Campaign

      20.3 %

    33. Dev Graffiti

      Find the secret Developer Graffiti Room

      19.6 %

    34. Hardest Deck

      Beat Teague's hardest Deck

      18.8 %

    35. Mechanocide

      Kill 100 Enemies with Sentry Bots, Sentry Turrets, or RC Bomb Cars

      18.7 %

    36. Ultra-violence

      Finish the Campaign on at least Hard difficulty

      18.2 %

    37. Minigamer

      Win all Minigames

      18.1 %

    38. Jumper

      Perform all 18 Vehicle Jumps

      18.0 %

    39. Hat Trick

      Kill at least 3 Enemies with a single Mind Controlled Enemy

      16.6 %

    40. Deliverance

      Complete the final round of Strum

      16.2 %

    41. It's Good!

      Score each of the 3 Field Goals from the ATV

      16.0 %

    42. Fresh Meat

      Complete a public Road RAGE match

      14.8 %

    43. No Room for Sidekicks

      Complete a Legend of the Wasteland without any player(s) becoming incapacitated

      14.8 %

    44. Just a Flesh Wound

      Complete the final round of 5 Finger Filet

      14.7 %

    45. RAGE Nightmare

      Finish the Campaign on Nightmare difficulty

      13.9 %

    46. A True Legend

      Complete a Legend of the Wasteland on Nightmare difficulty

      13.7 %

    47. Gotta Have 'Em All

      Collect all Playing Cards on one play-through

      13.1 %

    48. Anthology

      Complete all Legends of the Wasteland

      12.7 %

    49. MVP

      Get first place in a public Road RAGE match

      12.3 %

    50. Obsessive Compulsive

      Reach 100% Completion in the Campaign

      11.9 %

  2. RAGE The Scorchers DLC 19 Dec '12

    1 / 10 additional achievements worth 1,953 (10 %)
    1. Cavernous Stumble

      Complete Hagar Caves in The Scorchers job path

      34.2 %

      19 Mar '25
      04:23 pm

    2. Plans Refined

      Complete Refinery in The Scorchers job path

      29.4 %

    3. Rebar Pie

      Pin an enemy to a surface with a Rebar ammo shot

      26.6 %

    4. Thrash Canyon

      Complete Bash Canyon in The Scorchers job path

      24.8 %

    5. Rite of Passage

      Complete Wellspring Tunnels in The Scorchers job path

      24.1 %

    6. Fired Up!

      Complete Scorcher Base in the The Scorchers job path

      23.8 %

    7. Lucky Charms

      Bet and win on Green in the Roly-Poly minigame

      17.1 %

    8. Wall Hack

      Kill 2 enemies with one Railgun Slug shot through a wall

      15.9 %

    9. Foursome

      Win with a Four of a Kind in the Video Poker minigame

      15.8 %

    10. Night Terrors

      Finish the Campaign on Ultra Nightmare difficulty

      11.5 %