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Showing 10,101–10,200 of 10,793 games
Title Unlocked Achievements Ach. % Completion State Earned Points Latest Achievement Duration Playtime Fastest Median Compl. Players % Release Date Steam Review Score
Title Unlocked Achievements Ach. % Completion State Earned Points Latest Achievement Duration Playtime Fastest Median Compl. Players % Release Date Steam Review Score
Battle Academy00m004 Aug, 2010
Alter Ego00m003 Aug, 2010
Gillespie00m001 Aug, 2010
Hearts of Iron III: German II Sprite Pack00m0026 Jul, 2010
Puzzle Agent00m007 Jul, 2010
Moonbase Alpha00m006 Jul, 2010
Deadly Sin 203h 01m002 Jul, 2010
Reign: Conflict of Nations00m0030 Jun, 2010
LEGO® Harry Potter: Years 1-402h 11m0025 Jun, 2010
Konung 3: Ties of the Dynasty00m0017 Jun, 2010
Real Warfare00m0011 Jun, 2010
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands00m008 Jun, 2010
Jurig Escape00m004 Jun, 2010
Numen: Contest of Heroes00m003 Jun, 2010
Alpha Protocol00m001 Jun, 2010
F.E.A.R.: Perseus Mandate00m0021 May, 2010
F.E.A.R.: Extraction Point00m0021 May, 2010
Tropico 3: Absolute Power00m0017 May, 2010
Chrome00m0014 May, 2010
Chrome: Specforce00m0014 May, 2010
Flight of the Icarus00m0012 May, 2010
Company of Heroes: Battle of Crete00m0024 Apr, 2010
Dark Fall: Lost Souls03h 01m0021 Apr, 2010
World Basketball Manager 201000m0021 Apr, 2010
M.U.D. TV00m0019 Apr, 2010
The Scourge Project: Episode 1 and 200m009 Apr, 2010
Future Wars00m007 Apr, 2010
Avencast00m0017 Mar, 2010
Theatre of War 2: Kursk 194300m009 Mar, 2010
US and THEM00m008 Mar, 2010
Star Wolves 200m002 Mar, 2010
Star Wolves 3: Civil War03h 50m002 Mar, 2010
Borderlands DLC: The Secret Armory of General Knoxx00m0025 Feb, 2010
Empress Of The Deep00m0021 Feb, 2010
NecroVisioN: Lost Company00m0019 Feb, 2010
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Call of Pripyat00m0011 Feb, 2010
Star Trek Online00m002 Feb, 2010
Global Agenda00m001 Feb, 2010
Mass Effect 2 (2010) Edition00m0026 Jan, 2010
A.I.M. Racing00m0022 Jan, 2010
Greed: Black Border00m0013 Jan, 2010
Borderlands DLC: Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot00m007 Jan, 2010
Sherlock Holmes versus Jack the Ripper04h 14m0023 Dec, 2009
Roogoo00m0017 Dec, 2009
Europa Universalis III: Heir to the Throne00m0015 Dec, 2009
Jane Angel: Templar Mystery00m0010 Dec, 2009
Borderlands DLC: The Zombie Island of Dr. Ned00m008 Dec, 2009
Elven Legacy: Magic00m003 Dec, 2009
Crash Time III00m0025 Nov, 2009
Elven Legacy: Siege00m0017 Nov, 2009
Ironclads: High Seas00m0010 Nov, 2009
Dragon Age: Origins04h 52m006 Nov, 2009
STAR WARS™: The Force Unleashed™ Ultimate Sith Edition00m003 Nov, 2009
SpellForce: Platinum Edition00m003 Nov, 2009
Men of War: Red Tide00m001 Nov, 2009
SpellForce 2 - Anniversary Edition00m0029 Oct, 2009
East India Company: Privateer00m0027 Oct, 2009
Elven Legacy: Ranger00m0020 Oct, 2009
Tropico 3 - Steam Special Edition00m0020 Oct, 2009
RACE On00m0016 Oct, 2009
Crazy Machines 2: Fluid Add-On00m0015 Oct, 2009
Planet Alcatraz02h 03m009 Oct, 2009
STAR WARS™: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes™00m006 Oct, 2009
Operation Flashpoint: Dragon Rising00m006 Oct, 2009
Allods Online RU00m001 Oct, 2009
Midnight Mysteries: The Edgar Allan Poe Conspiracy00m0028 Sep, 2009
18 Wheels of Steel: Extreme Trucker00m0023 Sep, 2009
Zombie Shooter 200m0023 Sep, 2009
Hammerfight00m0019 Sep, 2009
Majesty 200m0017 Sep, 2009
Twin Sector00m0016 Sep, 2009
Dawn of Magic 200m0011 Sep, 2009
Mini Ninjas00m008 Sep, 2009
Dusk 1202h 43m0028 Aug, 2009
XIII Century00m0028 Aug, 2009
Crash Time 200m0027 Aug, 2009
Ben There, Dan That!00m0025 Aug, 2009
Still Life 200m0010 Aug, 2009
Hearts of Iron III03h 31m007 Aug, 2009
Death to Spies: Moment of Truth00m007 Aug, 2009
East India Company: Pirate Bay00m0031 Jul, 2009
East India Company00m0031 Jul, 2009
Bionic Commando00m0028 Jul, 2009
Tropico 2: Pirate Cove00m0026 Jul, 2009
Tropico00m0024 Jul, 2009
Chainz 2: Relinked00m0013 Jul, 2009
Luxor Mahjong00m0013 Jul, 2009
Overlord II00m0023 Jun, 2009
Time Gentlemen, Please!00m0022 Jun, 2009
Smashball00m0018 Jun, 2009
Ankh 3: Battle of the Gods00m0016 Jun, 2009
World War 2: Time of Wrath03h 21m0015 Jun, 2009
Darkest Hour: Europe '44-'4500m009 Jun, 2009
Clutch00m002 Jun, 2009
NecroVisioN00m0020 May, 2009
Aztaka00m007 May, 2009
Cryostasis00m006 May, 2009
Death Track: Resurrection00m006 May, 2009
Men of War00m006 May, 2009
The Tomorrow War04h 19m004 May, 2009
Showing 10,101–10,200 of 10,793 games