
14 achievements
  1. Death Harvest 5 Jun '23

    8 base game achievements worth 28
    1. Bonk!

      Crush zombie head with a bat

      0 %

    2. Fully loaded

      Have more than 10 magazines in your holster

      0 %

    3. Ka-boom

      Red things go boom!

      0 %

    4. Ready to go

      Finish tutorial

      0 %

    5. Easy Money

      Collect 8000$

      0 %

    6. Fully armed

      Buy all weapons in one session

      0 %

    7. Six-pack

      Collect 6 beers in one game.

      0 %

    8. Field doctor

      Revive players 5 times in one game

      0 %

  2. Death Harvest — Update #1 8 Feb '25

    6 additional achievements worth 21
    1. Glu glu glu

      Drink an energy drink

      0 %

    2. Remember to pay your bills

      Turn on a power generator

      0 %

    3. Last stand

      Successfully complete a mission in the Outpost

      0 %

    4. I did everything on the list, honey!

      Complete the Outpost side mission

      0 %

    5. Hunters

      Successfully complete a mission in the Warehouse

      0 %

    6. Two birds with a stone

      Kill at least two zombies with one grenade

      0 %