
35 achievements
  1. Glorious Companions 17 Dec '24

    35 achievements worth 2,121
    1. The First Blood

      Win your first battle

      100 %

    2. Choose Violence

      Deal a total amount of 1,000 damage

      100 %

    3. Pocket Money

      Earn 10k gold throughout the game

      100 %

    4. It's Over 9000!

      Deal a total amount of 9,000 damage

      50 %

    5. The Tenth Blood

      Win 10 battles

      50 %

    6. The Pawn of the King

      Finish the prologue in the Valrenay Campaign

      50 %

    7. A Handful of Companions

      Increase the size of your company to 5

      50 %

    8. The God of Death

      Deal a total amount of 50,000 damage

      50 %

    9. The Pawn of the Marked

      Finish the prologue in the Scarres Campaign

      50 %

    10. The Scholar of the Scarres

      Find all Naalan statues in the Western and Eastern Highlands

      50 %

    11. The Taint of Lunacy

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Dolgar's Lunacy

      0 %

    12. Ten Good Men

      Increase the size of your company to 10

      0 %

    13. The Taint of Sorrow

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Lillian's Sorrow

      0 %

    14. The Taint of Indifference

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Shayan's Indifference

      0 %

    15. The Warband

      Increase the size of your company to 12

      0 %

    16. Hoarding Instinct

      Earn 100k gold throughout the game

      0 %

    17. The Taint of Terror

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Quazin's Terror

      0 %

    18. A Pair of Wolf Pelts

      Kill 50 wolves

      0 %

    19. Glorious Company

      Increase the size of your company to 15

      0 %

    20. The Downfall of the Creator

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat Xandar's Wrath

      0 %

    21. The Champion of Valrenay

      Finish the Valrenay Campaign

      0 %

    22. Oh, Deer

      Kill 50 deers

      0 %

    23. Appetizer

      Kill 50 boars

      0 %

    24. The Scholar of the Valrenay

      Find all Naalan statues in the Western and Eastern Lowlands

      0 %

    25. 0 %

    26. The Blood Chieftan

      Finish the Scarres Campaign

      0 %

    27. The Scholar of Terscara

      Find all Naalan statues in the entirety of Terscara

      0 %

    28. Rolling In It

      Earn 1 million gold throughout the game

      0 %

    29. The Ultimate Slipper

      Kill 50 spiders

      0 %

    30. 0 %

    31. Vigilante

      Kill 50 bandits

      0 %

    32. Taskmaster

      Finish 10 side quests

      0 %

    33. A Lesson in History

      Find all historical statues

      0 %


Explore the open world of Terscara as you advance through the challenging and tactical encounters in this epic turn-based tactical RPG. Form and lead a group of battle-proven companions, delve into the ancient dungeons to collect the elusive vault crystals, and end Xandar’s Wraith once and for all.

SteamDB Rating
Release Date


Tactical RPG 235 votes
Turn-Based Tactics 229 votes
Sandbox 226 votes
PvP 223 votes
Turn-Based 220 votes
Strategy RPG 210 votes
Party-Based RPG 208 votes
Turn-Based Strategy 203 votes
Character Customization 201 votes
RPG 199 votes
Strategy 195 votes
Isometric 189 votes
3D 186 votes
Open World 179 votes
Procedural Generation 174 votes
Turn-Based Combat 171 votes
Dark Fantasy 166 votes
Fantasy 163 votes
Tactical 156 votes
Management 147 votes
Tactical RPG 2,121 points
Turn-Based Tactics 2,015 points
Sandbox 1,909 points
PvP 1,803 points
Turn-Based 1,697 points
Strategy RPG 1,591 points
Party-Based RPG 1,485 points
Turn-Based Strategy 1,379 points
Character Customization 1,273 points
RPG 1,167 points
Strategy 1,061 points
Isometric 954 points
3D 848 points
Open World 742 points
Procedural Generation 636 points
Turn-Based Combat 530 points
Dark Fantasy 424 points
Fantasy 318 points
Tactical 212 points
Management 106 points




Online PvP
Shared/Split Screen PvP
Steam Achievements
Steam Cloud
Family Sharing
Full controller support


Ancient Forge 7


Ancient Forge 6


Ancient Forge 4