
35 achievements
  1. SUPER ROBOT WARS V 2 Oct '19

    35 achievements worth 5,263
    1. The Long Road to Peace

      Complete Chapter 1.

      100 %

    2. Skill Production

      Develop any Skill Program.

      93.3 %

    3. Break Time

      View a break time message.

      90.0 %

    4. My First Skill Program

      Teach any pilot a Skill Program.

      89.2 %

    5. Counterpunches

      Return attack with a Counterattack weapon five or more times in one stage.

      85.1 %

    6. Factory Scenario

      This achievement is hidden. Look at the Factory Scenarios.

      80.1 %

    7. Full Count

      Max out any pilot's ExC.

      77.6 %

    8. Custom Bonus

      Acquire a Custom Bonus for any robot.

      76.8 %

    9. The Little Giant That Could

      This achievement is hidden. Destroy an 1L size or larger enemy unit with an S size or smaller ally unit.

      75.2 %

    10. One Pilot Army

      This achievement is hidden. Destroy 10 or more enemy units in a single stage with any ally pilot.

      72.7 %

    11. Not Done Yet

      Activate two simultaneous Extra Actions with any pilot.

      71.9 %

    12. Nine Thanks You

      Buy any power parts (excluding Recommended Parts) from the Factory.

      71.0 %

    13. Ace Pilot

      Turn any pilot into an Ace Pilot.

      67.7 %

    14. Within an Inch

      This achievement is hidden. Reduce an enemy's HP to a single digit during battle.

      67.7 %

    15. Battlefield Souvenir

      Acquire one Emblem.

      65.2 %

    16. Top Gun

      Turn any pilot into a Great Ace.

      62.8 %

    17. Sky's The Limit

      Turn any female pilot into an Ace Pilot.

      61.9 %

    18. Skill Collector

      Create 30 or more types of Skill Programs.

      61.1 %

    19. Top-Secret Mission

      This achievement is hidden. Complete a secret scenario.

      57.8 %

    20. Skill Master

      Acquire 20 or more special skills for any pilot.

      52.8 %

    21. Tuner

      Earn a Custom Bonus for 30 or more robots.

      47.9 %

    22. War is Over

      Complete the Game.

      46.2 %

    23. Five in a Row

      This achievement is hidden. Complete a Multi-Action four times in one turn with any unit. (Controlling other units in between is OK.)

      45.4 %

    24. Mental Fortitude

      With an ally unit sortied in a map, collect all the spirit commands listed in the overall command Search.

      42.9 %

    25. Fiery Spirit

      This achievement is hidden. Use spirit commands Valor and Soul simultaneously with any pilot.

      42.9 %

    26. Once in a Lifetime

      Deal 50,000 damage to a single enemy in one battle.

      42.9 %

    27. Pilot Trainer

      Turn 30 or more pilots into Ace Pilots.

      41.3 %

    28. Peak Production

      Unlock all of the power parts (excluding Recommended Items) in the Factory.

      38.8 %

    29. Factory Master

      Purchase all power parts (excluding Recommended Items) from the Factory and increase TAC Customization to Grade 4.

      38.0 %

    30. Routing the Enemy

      Turn any enemy pilot's Focus to 50.

      38.0 %

    31. Emblem Collector

      Collect all five Emblems.

      35.5 %

    32. SR Point Hoarder

      This achievement is hidden. Obtain 51 SR points. (SR points can only be collected in Standard Mode.)

      35.5 %

    33. Unsung Hero

      This achievement is hidden. Perform four support attacks in one turn with any ally pilot.

      34.7 %

    34. Overseer of the two stories

      Achieve the ending of both the male and female protagonists.

      27.2 %

    35. Victorious

      Obtain all achievements.

      23.9 %