
58 achievements
  1. EarthX 17 Feb '20

    27 base game achievements worth 2,577
    1. Launch You Up

      Reach Orbit

      97.9 %

    2. Hats

      This achievement is hidden. Sell hats

      76.9 %

    3. Amateur

      Launch 25 rockets.

      71.6 %

    4. Not a Flamethrower

      This achievement is hidden. Sell (not) Flamethrowers

      65.0 %

    5. Bricks

      This achievement is hidden. Sell bricks

      61.8 %

    6. Rideshare

      Launch 4 payloads at once

      59.0 %

    7. Startup

      Launch 100 rockets.

      57.6 %

    8. Supplier

      Supply ISS for 3 times!

      57.3 %

    9. Reusability Master

      Land with 100 rockets.

      53.4 %

    10. Economy

      Reuse 100 rockets.

      53.4 %

    11. Missed Again!

      Lose 3 Fairings in the Water

      52.7 %

    12. The falling Bag of Money

      Catch 3 Fairings

      52.7 %

    13. %%%

      This achievement is hidden. Sell rocketquillas

      52.4 %

    14. Made on Earth by Humans

      This achievement is hidden. Launch a car

      52.0 %

    15. Meow

      Launch a cat to the ISS

      52.0 %

    16. Big F*cking Rocket

      Launch a Spaceship

      51.0 %

    17. A Mysterious Payload

      Launch a technician to the ISS with a cargo capsule.

      50 %

    18. Being Serious

      Launch 500 rockets.

      48.2 %

    19. I know what I'm doing

      Launch 1000 rockets.

      35.6 %

    20. Fanboy #1

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Elon".

      32.1 %

    21. Jeff Who?

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Jeff".

      30.7 %

    22. Mmm.. Still hot!

      This achievement is hidden. Launch a pizza to the ISS

      29.7 %

    23. How dare you?!

      Build 50 factories.

      29.7 %

    24. Sniper

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Tory".

      29.0 %

    25. The Gender does not Count

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Gwynne".

      29.0 %

    26. American astronauts on American rockets from American soil

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Jimmy".

      29.0 %

    27. Are you okay?

      Launch 5000 rockets.

      20.2 %

  2. EarthX — Update #1 27 Apr '20

    24 additional achievements worth 4,440
    1. Orbital Potato

      This achievement is hidden. Launch a potato and subscribe to him.

      80.6 %

    2. Tintin

      Launch the first 2 test-satellites of your own internet constellation.

      67.0 %

    3. LinkLink

      Launch 1000 LinkLink satellites.

      52.3 %

    4. Rideshare Plus

      Launch 10 payloads at once

      50.1 %

    5. Of Course I Still Love You

      Land with 500 rockets

      44.4 %

    6. Gigaproduction

      Build 10 Gigafactories

      43.7 %

    7. Demand

      Get 25 000 000 users in LinkLink.

      42.6 %

    8. Richness in your blood I feel

      Make $1 billion a year from your own internet constellation.

      37.9 %

    9. EarthX Creator is a Nerd

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Denis".

      31.8 %

    10. Adrian

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Adrian".

      30.1 %

    11. Elon 2.0?

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Joe".

      30.1 %

    12. Virgin Boi

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Richard".

      29.7 %

    13. Air Launch Pads

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Paul".

      29.7 %

    14. "The Falcon Heavy may some day come about. SLS is real."

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Charles".

      29.7 %

    15. Without Interest

      Launch a payload for free

      29.3 %

    16. Norminal

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "John".

      29.3 %

    17. King of Carbon Fiber Rockets

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Peter".

      29.3 %

    18. Young Relative of Space

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Tim".

      29.3 %

    19. Deep Space Explorers

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Hiroshi".

      29.3 %

    20. Indicator

      This achievement is hidden. Name your CEO "Earth Plush".

      29.3 %

    21. Zero-G Indicator

      This achievement is hidden. Launch an Earth plush to the ISS.

      26.8 %

    22. Cheesy

      This achievement is hidden. Launch a cheese to the ISS.

      26.5 %

    23. Bad Guy

      Explode 50 rockets during the flight

      22.5 %

    24. No.

      Launch 42 069 rockets

      16.1 %

  3. EarthX — Update #2 14 Jul '20

    4 additional achievements worth 282
    1. Short Shorts

      This achievement is hidden. Sell short shorts

      52 %

    2. Colony

      Land on Mars.

      49.8 %

    3. City

      First people on Mars.

      43.6 %

    4. Home 2.0

      Terraform Mars.

      42.1 %

  4. EarthX — Update #3 26 Sep '22

    3 additional achievements worth 199
    1. 48.3 %

    2. Expedition 67

      Name your CEO "Kayla".

      47.7 %