
71 achievements
  1. Battle Bruise 2 22 Jan '20

    71 achievements worth 1,758
    1. Lock

      This achievement is hidden. Could be useful, but there's no key

      77.7 %

    2. Rubber fin

      This achievement is hidden. Where's the other one?

      77.7 %

    3. Rock

      This achievement is hidden. Let's look at it on a good way. Some prizes are... less useful than others!

      77.7 %

    4. Desk lamp

      This achievement is hidden. Maybe we can hang it somewhere

      77.7 %

    5. Hard Drive

      This achievement is hidden. It's virtually silent

      77.7 %

    6. Beanbag

      This achievement is hidden. Looks almost comfy

      77.7 %

    7. Fork

      This achievement is hidden. I always liked spoons more

      77.7 %

    8. World map

      This achievement is hidden. A map of the whole world, before the apocalypse

      77.7 %

    9. Bottle

      This achievement is hidden. I'm afraid to discover what's inside

      77.7 %

    10. Shirt

      This achievement is hidden. Just a shirt, really

      66.6 %

    11. Portrait

      This achievement is hidden. There's a photo of a strange big man

      66.6 %

    12. Incense sticks

      This achievement is hidden. It smells good? I'm afraid to try out

      66.6 %

    13. Boot

      This achievement is hidden. Looks good, there's just one piece

      66.6 %

    14. Ancient mobile device

      This achievement is hidden. Strangely, it needs 4 AAA batteries to work

      66.6 %

    15. Potatoes

      This achievement is hidden. Weird potatoes

      66.6 %

    16. Ancient console

      This achievement is hidden. It does not contains any cables/gamepads, but it's design is rad

      66.6 %

    17. Floppy disk

      This achievement is hidden. A good "vintage" decoration?

      66.6 %

    18. Censer

      This achievement is hidden. Interesting shape but, it does not stay standing on our helicopter for long

      66.6 %

    19. Papercup

      This achievement is hidden. Just a cup. An used one.

      66.6 %

    20. Toothpaste

      This achievement is hidden. Looks empty. Maybe you can get something by squeezing it. Maybe.

      66.6 %

    21. Car's mirror

      This achievement is hidden. It's dirty, but there's a mirror on it!

      66.6 %

    22. Network card

      This achievement is hidden. May be handy

      66.6 %

    23. Toy elephant

      This achievement is hidden. This poor toy is the only witness of a crime long forgotten

      66.6 %

    24. DVD drive

      This achievement is hidden. More heavy than useful

      66.6 %

    25. Carpet

      This achievement is hidden. A nice, but very dusty one

      66.6 %

    26. Pool balls

      This achievement is hidden. Now we just need a pool cue, more balls, and a pool table...

      66.6 %

    27. Batteries

      This achievement is hidden. The hard part is finding something working that may use it

      66.6 %

    28. Game cartridge

      This achievement is hidden. Ancient game from forgotten times

      66.6 %

    29. Fridge penguim

      This achievement is hidden. Once a very original and "clever" decoration

      66.6 %

    30. Ruler

      This achievement is hidden. We may use it to measure something, sometime

      66.6 %

    31. Water spray

      This achievement is hidden. There's really water inside?

      66.6 %

    32. Burger

      This achievement is hidden. A bitten ancient burger

      66.6 %

    33. Strange bananas

      This achievement is hidden. Even rotten bananas are useful, but I'm not sure about these.

      66.6 %

    34. Brush

      This achievement is hidden. Useful after a complete sterilization

      66.6 %

    35. Iron cup

      This achievement is hidden. Good for attaching it on your backpack

      66.6 %

    36. Toothbrush

      This achievement is hidden. Only god knows where this toothbrush went before

      66.6 %

    37. Computer card

      This achievement is hidden. Maybe a video card? Not sure

      66.6 %

    38. VHS Tape

      This achievement is hidden. Labeled "Our vacations on Octopia"

      66.6 %

    39. Ancient cellphone

      This achievement is hidden. Know as "brick phone". Maybe it's a phone AND a weapon?

      66.6 %

    40. Fluffy dice

      This achievement is hidden. Looks nice, and that worries me

      66.6 %

    41. Tape

      This achievement is hidden. Ancient way of playing music

      66.6 %

    42. Car part

      This achievement is hidden. Round and heavy. Why?

      66.6 %

    43. Keyring

      This achievement is hidden. Without any indication

      66.6 %

    44. Ladle

      This achievement is hidden. Will help us on soup time

      55.5 %

    45. Cellphone

      This achievement is hidden. Battery not included

      55.5 %

    46. Brick

      This achievement is hidden. Just a brick. That's all

      55.5 %

    47. Frying pan

      This achievement is hidden. Good as a weapon, cooking, or both

      55.5 %

    48. Ball

      This achievement is hidden. This ball have seen better times

      55.5 %

    49. Meds

      This achievement is hidden. There's no label, nor instructions. I don't even know if they're expired

      55.5 %

    50. Dirty dice

      This achievement is hidden. A 6 sided dice. Very dirty

      55.5 %

    51. Copper cup

      This achievement is hidden. It's round, looks good for a drink

      55.5 %

    52. Flask

      This achievement is hidden. For storing drink and stuff

      55.5 %

    53. Dino toy

      This achievement is hidden. It's cool, but the dino looks sad

      55.5 %

    54. Motherboard

      This achievement is hidden. Looks poorly preserved

      55.5 %

    55. Gas tank

      This achievement is hidden. Empty, maybe expired from no-use

      55.5 %

    56. Pencils

      This achievement is hidden. I miss these. I just need something to write on...

      55.5 %

    57. Fan

      This achievement is hidden. May help blowing some air here. When we find a wire to attach on it...

      55.5 %

    58. Ink roller

      This achievement is hidden. It has dry paint all over it

      55.5 %

    59. Book

      This achievement is hidden. Helps to sleep in dark times

      55.5 %

    60. Lamp

      This achievement is hidden. I've tried to rub it already. Nothing happens, obviously

      55.5 %

    61. Rollerpin

      This achievement is hidden. Rams people better than any kind of food

      55.5 %

    62. Dancer Doll

      This achievement is hidden. An ugly doll. A creepy action figure, maybe?

      55.5 %

    63. Soda can

      This achievement is hidden. Empty, for recycling or decoration

      55.5 %

    64. Blackboard

      This achievement is hidden. Wow, that's great! But... where I will place this thing?

      55.5 %

    65. Spoon

      This achievement is hidden. Good for mixing chocolate and milk

      55.5 %

    66. Pendrive

      This achievement is hidden. "2 Gigabytes for storing your lifetime on it"

      55.5 %

    67. Padlock

      This achievement is hidden. Without a key

      55.5 %

    68. Cat bowl

      This achievement is hidden. It's offensive in many ways

      55.5 %

    69. CD

      This achievement is hidden. Looks like an old computer game

      55.5 %

    70. Challenging toy

      This achievement is hidden. Interesting thing, but it's without it's colors

      55.5 %

    71. Sandal

      This achievement is hidden. A vintage model!

      55.5 %