
8 guides
  1. 6
    • The Devil

    This achievement is HIGHLY MISSABLE. You can get locked out during the "Search and Destroy" mission.

    **Spoilers Below**

    After completing the parade mission (Play it Safe) you will meet Takemura in an abandoned apartment and start the mission Search and Destroy.

    **You must save Takemura in this mission.**

    There's no objective for it so it is easily missed. Near the end of the mission Johnny will tell you to get out of the building and there's no point going back for Takemura. Don't exit the building, instead return to the room where you were ambushed and rescue Takemura. If you have one of the jumping implants you can simply jump back up through the hole you fell through. Otherwise find the stairs and make your way back up to the top floor. Then you can escape.

    Next you can continue the game as normal and during the mission Nocturne Op55N1 you will have some choices to determine the ending. You want to go with Hanako and follow her plan to avenge her father. When you are on the roof of Misty's choose the dialogue "Think trusting Arasaka’s risky but worth it," then choose "Take some Omega Blockers." Then call Hanako, and not Panam. This will set you on the ending with Hanako and the achievement will unlock once you progress further.

    1. Rescue Takemura during "Search and Destroy" mission
    2. Follow Takemura's plan during Nocturne Op55N1 mission by choosing "Trusting Arasaka is worth it.." dialogue
    3. Suppress Johnny with omega blockers
    4. Call Hanako
    5. Complete the game

  2. 1
    • Must Be Rats

    The hack has to attract nearby enemies for it to count. You can roam around until you find police officers or thugs near distractions and stand far back and repeatedly hack the distractions.

  3. 1
    • Gun Fu

    I just created a guide on Steam on how to get the achievement in free mode. This is how I got it and I explain the location and even the weapon that i used. I hope this helps someone. Check the link below.

  4. 1
    • The Wandering Fool

    This achievement is for completing the mission "The Wandering Fool." Once you're able to see Johnny Silverhand you'll also be able to start going to the tarot card graffiti locations. I made a video going over all 20 of the locations of these as well as what else goes into completing this misson, and in turn, the achievement.

  5. 1
    • The APB is Not Enough

    Go to main entrance and start killing the guards. Keep on killing the guards that come until you have Level 5 wanted level!

  6. 0
    • The Devil

    For this achievement you'll need to help Takemura and Hanako at the end get revenge on Yorinobu. In order to do this you'll need to go through Takemura's storyline to help him find Hanako and during the Search and Destroy mission you'll need to go back and rescue Takemura. He has to survive this mission or you'll get locked out of being able to do it at the end. I cover this in my video guide linked below as well as all of the other achievements in the game.

  7. 0
    • Rough Landing

    Patch 1.31:

    The actual way I got this, was following the steps in the attached video. Even though it's an old one, it worked like a charm first try. The Superhero Landing must be bugged in this patch:

    PS: I do not own this video, credits to its creator

  8. -4
    • Autojock

    Attention. The glitch eplained in the video was reported to not work with version 1.3.

    For this achievement you'll need to purchase all of the cars available in the game. There are 27 of these vehicles and to buy them all you'll need 1,722,000 eddies and you'll need to be at street cred level 50. Making that much money can be hard, but there is a method to get an infinite amount of money that I like to call "recycling." I made a video going over this in the video linked below as well as another guide going over all of the achievements in the game including this one.

    List of Cars:

    Archer Quartz EC-T2 R660 - €$ 29,000
    Chevillon Thrax 388 Jefferson - €$ 17,000
    Chevillon Emperor 620 Ragnar - €$ 32,000
    Herrera Outlaw GTS - €$ 62,000
    Makigai Maimai P126 - €$ 14,000
    Mahir Supron FS3 - €$ 16,000
    Mizutani Shion MZ2 - €$ 75,000
    Mizutani Shion "Coyote“ (Blue Version) - €$ 115,000
    Quadra Turbo-R 740 - €$ 129,000
    Quadra Type-66 "Jen Rowley“ - €$ 58,000
    Quadra Type-66 "Avenger“ - €$ 55,000
    Quadra Type-66 "Javelina“ - €$ 73,000
    Rayfield Aerondight "Guinevere“ - €$ 225,000
    Rayfield Caliburn - €$ 157,000
    Thorton Colby C125 - €$ 39,000
    Thorton Colby CX410 Butte (Green Version) - €$ 43,000
    Thorton Colby "Little Mule“ - €$ 49,000
    Thorton Galena G240 - €$ 13,000
    Thorton Galena "Gecko“ - €$ 21,000
    Thorton Mackinaw MTL1 - €$ 128,000
    Villefort Alvarado V4F 570 Delegate - €$ 62,000
    Villefort Cortes V5000 Valor - €$ 37,000
    Villefort Columbus V340-F Freight - €$ 19,000
    Arch Nazaré - €$ 138,000
    Brennan Apollo - €$ 94,000
    Yaiba Kusanagi CT-3X - €$ 22,000