
5 guides
  1. 0
    • Punchline

    In order to obtain this mission, first you need to complete all the race missions.

    Once you have, you will get offered an opportunity to go after Punditgen. In that mission, get to the node, interface with it, and choose to make it say potato jokes. Complete the mission and enjoy your achievement.

  2. 0
    • The Sword

    The sword can be found in the mission "Whizzard's Lair".

    To get to it, you need to recieve an email Whizzard - Invitation which will instruct you to move a soldier to b5. To do so, go to Apps, and play hacker chess. Work through the game and tell a piece to make a valid move onto b5 (an invalid square). Basically, just pay attention to the squares you're allowed to move to, and I used my piece number 5 to move up the 4 column until I could use Jackhammer to move from c4 to b5.

    Once you unlock this mission, you need to do two things. At the mural, inspect and choose to "Inspect the mural more closely" to get some text about the treasure under the throne. Then get up into the throne room and "inspect the throne", or whatever the one is that isn't the body/mask. Oh, and make sure you have 8 slices free before you do so.

    You should get the vorpal sword, which is immediately loaded into your deck. And a boss appears. You need to kill the boss (The vorpal sword one-shot it for me), before you can exit and keep it.

  3. 0
    • From beyond the grave
    • Killed twice

    At a certain point, a character named "Pavo" will start emailing you to do missions. And if you complete them for a while, you'll get weird emails upon completion.

    Email Snail and ask for info on Pavo (75 credits), and he'll tell you some surprising information. Send an email confronting Pavo with that info, and you'll get a special mission invite to "Killing Pavo".

    You have to defeat the 1000 hp ICE in order to interface with the core. Once you do, you can choose "Kill" to get "Killed Twice", or "Release" to get "From Beyond the Grave"

    This is not an easy mission. My loadout was roughly as follows:


    • +4 slices
    • AEC Stealthchip to reduce trace buildup


    • Buffer
    • Dagger
    • Vorpal Sword
    • Tunnel
    • Sniper

    1st turn, run up and lauch vorpal sword against boss. It'll either 1 hit KO, or start ticking for 75 damage (150 crit). Then move to b2, interface with it so you can get behind, and trigger both the "Contingency" and "Trace +2" nodes. Get within boss range again, and fire off dagger, or use sniper if needed to take on Sundrops. If needed, use buffer/tunnel to get through areas to get back to a0 to disable the node.

    Note: If you set an attack program and leave, it keeps going every turn. No need to camp at S0/S1.

  4. 0
    • Connection

    After beating Kraken, you'll get an email from XXX asking if you want to talk to your brother. Reply yes, and accept your brother's mission.

    In here, after decrypting the encryption nodes, you'll need to run around to each of the interface nodes and choose "Release". Upon getting the last cell released, you should see a popup letting you know everyone was released and you got +1 rep. End the mission to get the achievement.

  5. 0
    • Delayed

    This is a very easy one to miss.

    You have to complete the mission "Incubus" - stealing from the guy or not is optional. Later in the game, once you get enough White hat rep, you should get missions from Det. Santos.

    Complete the first mission he gives you, and search up "Nemoral" on the intranet, and select things until you get the log entry.

    After completing his second mission, on the satellite, respond to the Re: [No Subject] email with "Actually, I might have something on an ENRA associate".

    This should unlock the train mission "Mind the Gap". Complete it and get your cheevo.

    Note: To complete this mission, you'll need to check d0 to see what track the Prague train is actually on. Mine was Track B, so I had to disable S1