
32 achievements
  1. Vecter 3 Jan '20

    28 base game achievements worth 60,657
    1. Oof

      Crash for the first time

      96.6 %

    2. Bye!

      Exit the game

      81.0 %

    3. Real men need more instructions!

      Press the guide button in-game

      40.7 %

    4. I don't like the colours

      Change the default colour scheme in some way

      36.5 %

    5. Keep Vecter Free

      Press the donation button in-game

      36.3 %

    6. The scenic route

      Turn off the UI completely

      29.0 %

    7. One

      Finish in 1st place on any leaderboard

      24.1 %

    8. C-c-c-c-combo

      100k Combo

      17.6 %

    9. Flying Blindfolded

      Crash with a resolution of 320 x 200

      15.8 %

    10. Three

      Finish in 3rd place on any leaderboard

      11.1 %

    11. Two

      Finish in 2nd place on any leaderboard

      10.8 %

    12. Four

      Finish in 4th place on any leaderboard

      10.6 %

    13. One Million Dollars

      Get One Million Points in one run

      8.62 %

    14. 6.14 %

    15. Happy New Year

      Play Vecter on New Year's Eve

      5.82 %

    16. Happy Birtday to Me!

      Play Vecter on the dev's birth day

      5.28 %

    17. Ho Ho Ho

      Play Vecter on Christmas Eve (24th of Dec)

      5.17 %

    18. It's no longer casual

      Achieve a top speed of 10,000 km/h in casual mode

      4.63 %

    19. Zero

      Be in 1st place on hardcore and top dog at the same time

      4.09 %

    20. Around The World

      Travel a total distance of over 40,075 km

      2.69 %

    21. Practice Makes Perfect

      Spend over 10 hours in training mode

      2.48 %

    22. FASTER!!!!

      Achieve a top speed of 15,000 km/h in casual mode

      2.15 %

    23. Day 1

      Have a total recorded playtime in all modes combined of 1 day

      2.15 %

    24. I hate this game!!!!

      Rage quit 100 times

      1.51 %

    25. To the moon!

      Travel a total distance of over 384,400 km

      0.862 %

    26. And back!

      Travel a total distance of over 768,800 km

      0.862 %

    27. Speedrun the World

      Travel a distance of over 40,075 km in one run

      0.539 %

    28. 10 Mill Club

      Get 10 million points in one run

      0.431 %

  2. Vecter — Update #1 9 Jun '20

    2 additional achievements worth 9,637
    1. 083112101101100068101109111110

      This achievement is hidden. Unlock a secret game mode

      7.72 %

    2. 069115099097112101086101108111099105116121

      This achievement is hidden. Achieve Earth Orbit Escape Velocity (40,270 KM/H)

      0.482 %

  3. Vecter — Update #2 1 Jul '20

    1 additional achievements worth 551
    1. Rip out the throttle

      Turn on and play with AutoAcceleration

      21.1 %

  4. Vecter — Update #3 9 Jul '20

    1 additional achievements worth 319
    1. Who made dis?

      Look at the credits screen.

      35.5 %