
18 achievements
  1. Spidersaurs 9 Jul '22

    18 achievements worth 16,844
    1. Powering Up

      Stack a Weapon

      100 %

    2. Jr. Intern

      Complete the Tutorial

      100 %

    3. Light Snack

      Find a Mini Meat

      92.9 %

    4. Star Cadet

      Complete a Stage without dying

      77.1 %

    5. Associate Intern

      Complete Episode 1

      50.8 %

    6. Dance Like you Want to Win

      Defeat a Boss without getting hit

      40.3 %

    7. Sr. Associate Intern

      Complete Episode 2

      38.5 %

    8. Officer

      Complete a stage without getting hit

      29.8 %

    9. Necessity, Mother of Impressive

      Defeat a Boss with the Lv1 Pea Shooter

      22.8 %

    10. Intern

      Complete Episode 3

      21.0 %

    11. Sr. Intern

      Complete Episode 4

      14.0 %

    12. Paid Intern

      Complete Episode 5

      14.0 %

    13. Part Timer

      Complete the Game

      14.0 %

    14. Dedication to a Fault

      Use a single weapon for one entire stage

      10.5 %

    15. InGest's Finest

      Achieve the True Ending

      8.77 %

    16. Rockstar

      Complete Arcade Mode

      8.77 %

    17. Stage Presence

      Complete a stage without standing still

      7.01 %

    18. 1 Shot Deputy

      Complete the game without dying

      5.26 %