
50 achievements
  1. Core Defense 8 Jun '20

    39 base game achievements worth 12,387
    1. Flawless

      Beat a wave without taking core damage.

      100 %

    2. Stack 'em

      Get the same upgrade twice.

      100 %

    3. Modular

      Install a core module.

      100 %

    4. Upgrade Treasure

      Get a rare upgrade.

      99.2 %

    5. Bossing Around

      Beat a boss.

      99.2 %

    6. Module Treasure

      Get a rare core module.

      92.8 %

    7. Tower Treasure

      Get a rare tower.

      88.0 %

    8. Collector

      Get the same upgrade ten times.

      76.1 %

    9. Bastion

      Get 10 extra walls.

      73.8 %

    10. This Is Only The Beginning

      Beat the game on difficulty "Hard".

      65.8 %

    11. Big Shot

      Deal more than 1000 damage with one shot.

      65.0 %

    12. Ability Treasure

      Get a rare ability.

      61.9 %

    13. Guardian

      Finish a wave with a fully shielded Core.

      58.7 %

    14. Eternal

      Beat the game without losing a tower.

      54.7 %

    15. Immortal

      Beat the game without healing towers or abilities.

      50.7 %

    16. Bulwark

      Get 25 extra walls.

      48.4 %

    17. Who Needs Abilities

      Beat the game with seven towers.

      46.8 %

    18. Hoarder

      Get the same upgrade 25 times.

      41.2 %

    19. Keep 'em coming

      Defeat at least seven bosses in one run.

      37.3 %

    20. Toolbox

      Unlock all rewards.

      35.7 %

    21. Excellence

      Beat the game without letting a mob escape.

      34.1 %

    22. Perfectionist

      Beat the game without taking core damage.

      34.1 %

    23. A-Mazing

      Get 50 extra walls.

      28.5 %

    24. The 100

      This achievement is hidden. Defeat 100 waves in endless mode.

      25.3 %

    25. Is This All You Got

      Beat the game on difficulty "Overload 5".

      24.6 %

    26. Bling Bling

      Beat the game with 40 or more rares.

      16.6 %

    27. No Match For You

      Beat the game on difficulty "Overload 10".

      16.6 %

    28. Spartan

      Beat the game after skipping 50 rewards.

      15.8 %

    29. Unblocked

      Beat the game without additional walls.

      14.2 %

    30. Masochist

      Beat the game on difficulty "Overload 15".

      12.6 %

    31. Singularity

      Beat the game with exactly one tower and without abilities.

      11.9 %

    32. Pacifist

      Beat the game without killing a single mob.

      11.1 %

    33. Zealous

      Beat the game on difficulty "Overload 20".

      10.3 %

    34. Moderation

      Beat the game without core modules.

      9.52 %

    35. Registrar

      Discover everything in the compendium.

      8.73 %

    36. Rares Shmares

      Beat the game without rares.

      7.93 %

    37. Common Sense

      Beat the game without uncommon or rare rewards.

      7.93 %

    38. Elitist

      Beat the game without common rewards.

      7.93 %

    39. Completionist

      Unlock all other achievements.

      4.76 %

  2. Core Defense — Update #1 9 Oct '20

    3 additional achievements worth 1,571
    1. Relentless

      Win 10 runs in a row.

      9.80 %

    2. Double Trouble

      Win 2 runs in a row on the highest difficulty.

      9.80 %

    3. Unstoppable

      Win 5 runs in a row on Overload 10 or higher.

      9.80 %

  3. Core Defense — Update #2 22 Jan '21

    1 additional achievements worth 248
    1. Speedrun

      Win a run in under 10 minutes

      24.1 %

  4. Core Defense — Update #3 19 Mar '21

    7 additional achievements worth 3,755
    1. Groundhog

      Finish a daily run.

      41.3 %

    2. Master

      Reach the maximum level.

      11.4 %

    3. Pain Train

      Beat the game on difficulty Overload 25.

      11.4 %

    4. Apex

      Finish a daily run with a score of at least 5000.

      11.4 %

    5. Grandmaster

      Beat the game on difficulty Overload 30.

      11.4 %

    6. Supercharger

      Beat each supercharge modifier once.

      11.4 %

    7. Abstinence

      Beat Overload 25 without masteries.

      6.89 %