- Weapons of the Apocalypse
Below I will explain each classes requirements to unlock the weapon.
RSC SMG Factory
-Perform 50 kills as an AssaultRSC SMG Optical
-Perform 50 kills with the RSC SMG Factory
-In a round, perform 300 Vehicle Damage using explosivesMedic
Howell Automatic Factory
-Perform 50 kills as a MedicHowell Automatic Sniper
-Perform 50 kills with the Howell Automatic Factory
-In a round, perform 600 points of healingSupport
IMG 08/18 Low Weight
-Perform 50 kills as a SupportIMG 08/18 Suppressive
-Perform 50 kills with the IMG 08/18 Low Weight
-In a round, perform 100 resuppliesScout
Ross MkIII Marksman
-Perform 50 kills as a ScoutM1917 Enfield Infantry
-Perform 50 kills with the Ross MkIII Marksman
-Accumulate 2,500 metres of headshots using Single-Action riflesSidearm
Revolver MkVI
-Kill 25 different enemies using Revolversmelee
Broken Bottle
-Get 5 kills with the Wine Bottle -
0- Maître d'Armes
Weapons you need the kills:
- Sjogren Inertial Factory - Assault Class
- Ribeyrolles 1918 Factory - Assault Class
- RSC 1917 Factory or RSC 1917 Optical - Medic Class
- Chauchat Low Weight or Chauchat Telescopic - Support Class
- Lebel Model 1886 Sniper or Lebel Model 1886 Infantry - Scout Class
You can either pick them up from enemy if they drop or unlock urself.
To unlock:Assault Class
Sjogren Inertial Factory- Perform 50 kills with the Model 10-A Slug this must be done first
- In a round, perform 15 kills with the M97 Trench Gun Hunter
Ribeyrolles 1918 Factory - Perform 50 kills with the Automatico M1918 Factory
- Perform 20 headshots with the MP 18 Optical
Medic Class
RSC 1917 Factory - Medic Class- Perform 50 kills with the M1907 SL Sweeper
- Perform 50 revives
RSC 1917 Optical - Medic Class - In a round, perform 15 kills with the Autoloading 8 .35 Factory
- Perform 75 heals
Support Class
Chauchat Low Weight- Perform 50 kills with the Lewis Gun Suppressive
- Perform 75 resupplies
Chauchat Telescopic - In a round, perform 15 kills with the M1909 Benet-Mercie Telescopic
- Perform 10 kills with the mortar
Scout Class
Lebel Model 1886 Sniper- In a round, perform 5 headshots with the Russian 1895 Sniper
- Perform 10 periscope spot assists
Lebel Model 1886 Infantry - Perform 50 kills with the Gewehr M.95 Infantry
- Perform 20 spot flare assists
0- Naval Weapons Collection
Below I will explain each classes requirements to unlock the weapon.
Maschinenpistole M1912
-Perform 50 kills with Automatico M1918 Storm
-Destroy 5 boats with the AT Rocket GunM1917 Trench Carbine
-Perform 15 kills with sidearms
-Perform 5 multikillsMedic
Farquhar-Hill Optical
-Perform 25 headshots with the Farquhar-Hill Storm
-Complete 20 squad ordersFarquhar-Hill Storm
-Perform 25 kills with the M1907 SL Trench
-In a round, perform 10 revivesSupport
M1917 MG Low Weight
-Perform 25 kills with the BAR M1918 Trench
-Perform 250 vehicle damage using explosivesM1927 MG Telescopic
-Perform 50 kills with the M1917 MG Low Weight
-Perform 1500 points of suppression with any LMGScout
Type 38 Arisaka Infantry
-Perform 25 counter sniping kills
-As a scout, perform 3 multikillsCarcano M91 Carbine
-Perform 25 kills with the Gewehr M.95 Carbine
-Destroy 5 explosivesMelee weapon
Naval Cutlass
-Capture 20 flags while in a boat
-Perform 15 kills on swimming enemies -
0- Filled the Stockpile
Below I will explain each classes requirements to unlock the weapon.
Model 1900 Factory- Perform 40 kills with the M97 Trench Gun Backbored
- In a round, perform 5 kills with the AT Rocket Gun
Model 1900 Slug
- Perform 50 kills with the 12G Automatic Extended
- Perform 20 kills with the Gasser M1870 Pistol
SMG 08/18 Factory
- Perform 15 kills with the MP188 Trench
- Perform 10 kills with the Anti-Tank Grenade
SMG 08/18 Optical
- Perform 50 Kills with the Automatico M1918 Trench
- Destroy 5 tanks with the Anti-Tank Mine
Fedorov Avtomat Optical- Perform 50 kills with the Selbastlader M1916 Optical
- Perform 20 Kills with the C96 Pistol
Fedorov Avtomat Trench
- Perform 40 Kills with the Cei-Rigotti Trench
- Perform 40 squad heals
General Liu Rifle Factory
- Perform 40 kills with the Mondragon Storm
- Perform 30 squad revives
General Liu Rifle Storm
- Perform 50 kills with the Autoloading 8 .35 Marksman
- Perform 30 kills with the Rifle Grenade FRG
Parabellum MG14/17 Low Weight- Destroy 2 airplanes with LMGs
- Perform 20 killes with the Mortar Airburst
Parabellum MG14/17 Suppresive
- Perform 40 kills with the Lewis Gun Low Weight
- Perform 50 vehicle repairs
Perino Model 1908 Defensive
- Perform 50 kills with the Bar M1918 Storm
- Perform 20 kills with the Repetierpistole M1912 Pistol
Perino Model 1908 Low Weight
- Perform 40 kills with the MG15 n.A. Low Weight
- In a round, Perform 10 squad resupplies
Mosin-Nagant M91 Infintry- In a round, perform 3 headshot kills with the SMLE MkIII Infantry
- Perform 20 kills with the Mars Automatic Pistol
Mosin-Nagant M91 Marksman
- Perform 50 kills with the Gewehr 98 Marksman
- Perform 15 kills with the Tripwire Bomb HE
Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87 Carbine
- Perform 50 kills with the SMLE MkIII Carbine
- Destroy 1 vehice with K bullets
Vetterli-Vitali M1870/87 Infantry
- Perform 15 kills with the M1903 Experimental
- Perform 20 periscope spot assists
Nagant Revolver- Perform 20 kills with the Luger P08 pistol
Obrez Pistol
- In a round, perform 5 kills with the MLE 1903 Pistol
"C93 Carbine"
-Perform 40 kills with the FT Light Tank