Guides for "Naval Weapons Collection"
- Naval Weapons Collection
Below I will explain each classes requirements to unlock the weapon.
Maschinenpistole M1912
-Perform 50 kills with Automatico M1918 Storm
-Destroy 5 boats with the AT Rocket GunM1917 Trench Carbine
-Perform 15 kills with sidearms
-Perform 5 multikillsMedic
Farquhar-Hill Optical
-Perform 25 headshots with the Farquhar-Hill Storm
-Complete 20 squad ordersFarquhar-Hill Storm
-Perform 25 kills with the M1907 SL Trench
-In a round, perform 10 revivesSupport
M1917 MG Low Weight
-Perform 25 kills with the BAR M1918 Trench
-Perform 250 vehicle damage using explosivesM1927 MG Telescopic
-Perform 50 kills with the M1917 MG Low Weight
-Perform 1500 points of suppression with any LMGScout
Type 38 Arisaka Infantry
-Perform 25 counter sniping kills
-As a scout, perform 3 multikillsCarcano M91 Carbine
-Perform 25 kills with the Gewehr M.95 Carbine
-Destroy 5 explosivesMelee weapon
Naval Cutlass
-Capture 20 flags while in a boat
-Perform 15 kills on swimming enemies