
10 achievements
  1. Blackstone Academy for the Magical Arts 9 Apr '20

    10 achievements worth 5,049
    1. Shanty

      You have a fine career ahead of you as an old sailing days reenactor.

      100 %

    2. OCD

      You wonder if any of the pro-supernatural activists are looking into mental health for vampires.

      75 %

    3. Rip van Winkle

      At least you don't have a beard.

      75 %

    4. Cavalry

      Help arrived when you called; you've got friends.

      50 %

    5. Marvel

      Your pop culture quotes are almost as over the top as Jules's.

      25 %

    6. Well There's Your Problem

      Yeah, that's not going to get fixed.

      25 %

    7. Action Hero

      It's like you're doing this whole thing in slow motion.

      25 %

    8. Teen Wolf

      You survived being bitten by a werewolf without becoming one yourself.

      25 %

    9. Casey at the Bat

      You've always loved this poem; would have been great if it worked.

      25 %

    10. SlashFic

      Your hours on the internet reading slashfic have finally been put to good use.

      25 %