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    • All Accounted For

    While usually it is necessary to buy workers MTX to unlock this achievement it is still possible to unlock it F2P way.
    To do that you don't need a worker to be unlocked, but rather own a blueprint from a category to make it unlocked.
    Blueprints from such categories could be obtained during events, like Lost City of Gold or themed events with tasks (Christmas, Halloween, etc)
    For example I have 25 out of 28 item types.


    I have no blueprints in Crossbow category (which is automatically unlocked with first blueprint given with worker MTX)
    During Lost City of Gold it is possible to complete or buy completion with gems to unlock a blueprint reward


    Buying this blueprint and restarting the game I could see progress towards All Accounted For achievement in-game


    Premium worker blueprints are not guaranteed in events, but ocassionaly they're appearing. Make sure to not get multiple items from same category.
    In King's Caprice event blueprints that can appear only from workers you own, no reason to try to get it there.