
77 achievements
  1. Vampire: The Masquerade — Parliament of Knives 28 Oct '21

    67 base game achievements worth 13,583
    1. Surprise Attack!

      Locate Ward during the Blood Hunt without being seen.

      71.4 %

    2. Qui to the City

      Make a proper early impression on Sheriff Qui.

      62.8 %

    3. A Modest Proposal

      Robert Ward asks for your help.

      54.2 %

    4. Archon's Pet

      Impress Archon Adeline with your knowledge.

      54.2 %

    5. Rip and Tear

      Dispatch an entire squad of snipers all by yourself.

      54.2 %

    6. All Cameras Down

      Take down a security system.

      48.5 %

    7. Choose A Side

      Choose a side in a battle between Tremere houses.

      45.7 %

    8. The Truth?

      Relive the moments of your first hours after the Embrace.

      42.8 %

    9. Become Seneschal

      Take Corliss's place as Seneschal.

      42.8 %

    10. Whispering Warlocks

      Overhear an illuminating conversation.

      42.8 %

    11. Extra! Extra! Read all about it!

      Confront a sleazy reporter.

      40 %

    12. Awkward Conversation

      Overhear a damning conversation.

      40 %

    13. Right man for the Job

      Make the best use of Gerard's particular set of skills.

      37.1 %

    14. I'm not a Monster!

      Refuse to feed on the gift of an unwilling mortal.

      34.2 %

    15. Spied the Spy

      True Sight reveals an unseen watcher.

      34.2 %

    16. Tremblay

      Begin a relationship with Jordan.

      31.4 %

    17. Arundel's Revenge

      Not even an Archon can stand up to rage unleashed.

      31.4 %

    18. Anarch Executioner

      Execute Robert Ward.

      31.4 %

    19. Luddite

      Pledge your aid to the cause of keeping things simple and safe.

      31.4 %

    20. Ghoul Down

      Take down a ghoul servant faster than the Sheriff.

      31.4 %

    21. Corliss Wins

      Corliss becomes (and stays) Prince of Ottawa.

      28.5 %

    22. Archon Annihilator

      This achievement is hidden. Destroyed Archon Adeline with her own blade.

      28.5 %

    23. Sanguine Devotion

      Discover a secret mortal cult that worships vampires.

      28.5 %

    24. Secreted Away

      Save a blood doll.

      28.5 %

    25. Dead Man's Switch

      Even the best of us are tools to our elders.

      25.7 %

    26. One Tranquil Night

      Share a special bond with Jordan.

      25.7 %

    27. Shot in the Dark

      Stop a mass-brainwashing with a single well-placed shot.

      25.7 %

    28. Road Rage

      No time for subtlety. Hit the gas!

      25.7 %

    29. Ventrue Capitalist

      Take the first steps in forming a profitable alliance.

      25.7 %

    30. One Night In Ottawa

      Discover and view an illicit videotape of the Camarilla's finest.

      25.7 %

    31. Snooping

      Get a sneak-peak at the Anarch agenda.

      25.7 %

    32. Safe Word

      Resist a Malkavian Domination of your mind.

      25.7 %

    33. Dropping Eaves

      Listen in on a revealing conversation among the Anarchs.

      22.8 %

    34. True Justice

      Join forces with an outsider in a desperate assassination plot.

      22.8 %

    35. Sneakernet

      Plant a USB drive in a rival's computer system.

      22.8 %

    36. An Unusual First Date

      Begin a relationship with Sheriff Qui.

      22.8 %

    37. Besieged

      Watch from above as a mob besieges your domain.

      22.8 %

    38. No Quarter

      Destroy a would-be Prince on the night of their would-be ascension.

      22.8 %

    39. Out for a Drink

      Ditch an investigation to go out for a drink with Sheriff Qui.

      22.8 %

    40. Qui to his Heart

      Spend the night with a new partner.

      22.8 %

    41. Like An Egg

      Bouchard has a crackin' good time.

      22.8 %

    42. Ghoul Book-keeper

      Recruit a new ghoul to be your bookkeeper.

      22.8 %

    43. An Anarch Tale

      Help defend the Anarchs' home turf from an unstoppable Archon.

      20 %

    44. Soak This!

      Find out what a heavy machine gun can do to a vampire.

      20 %

    45. Into Exile

      Flee the city and become an outcast.

      20 %

    46. Our Savior!

      Save a group of blood dolls from extermination.

      20 %

    47. And Don't Come Back!

      Get banned from a club.

      17.1 %

    48. Closure

      Healing from loss can't begin until the truth is known.

      17.1 %

    49. To Oblivion

      Survive a battle with a Lasombra.

      17.1 %

    50. Barony-Bound

      Leave Ottawa and join Baron Zaslow's Anarch Rebellion.

      17.1 %

    51. Never Sicker

      Keep down a beer without vomiting.

      17.1 %

    52. Tattle

      If you see something, say something!

      14.2 %

    53. Aggravation

      This achievement is hidden. Survive the infliction of aggravated damage at least three times.

      14.2 %

    54. Kashif's Fury

      Ally with Kashif Salik and execute his enemy alongside him.

      11.4 %

    55. Prince-Killer

      This achievement is hidden. The Prince of Ottawa has been destroyed.

      11.4 %

    56. Sevinc Interrupted

      Snap an assassin out of a trance.

      11.4 %

    57. Ghoul Driver

      Recruit a new ghoul to be your driver!

      11.4 %

    58. Aggravated Assault

      Ichiro's Incendiary Demise

      11.4 %

    59. Dead Bodies Everywhere

      Discover a hidden abattoir.

      8.57 %

    60. Going Down

      Escape Elysium with its Keeper.

      8.57 %

    61. Double Cross

      Betray a Kindred who put their trust in you and then help your sire destroy them.

      8.57 %

    62. 8.57 %

    63. Bettered Bouchard

      Defeat Bouchard when fighting one-on-one and survive to tell the tale.

      5.71 %

    64. Identity Crisis

      Reveal a submerged personality.

      5.71 %

    65. Annabelle's Pet

      Meet the Prince of Quebec City, Annabelle and become her thrall.

      5.71 %

    66. A Monster Made

      Commit the the most grievous of Kindred crimes.

      5.71 %

    67. With Friends Like These

      Who needs enemies? Meet your early end at the hands of an ally.

      5.71 %

  2. Vampire: The Masquerade — Parliament of Knives — Update #1 26 Sep '22

    10 additional achievements worth 2,383
    1. Sunrise, Sunset

      The Clan of the Moon watches the sun rise.

      21.7 %

    2. I Spy A Rabbi

      Spy on the visiting Rabbi, Michalis Basaras.

      21.7 %

    3. Father Moretti

      Face a deadly vampire priest in melee combat and survive!

      17.3 %

    4. Shadow Conspiracy

      Take a meeting with Michalis Basaras and learn his goals.

      13.0 %

    5. Sacrifice

      Sacrifice your dearest friend to regain long-lost power.

      13.0 %

    6. Vaulderie

      Witness a Sabbat ritual.

      13.0 %

    7. Abyss Mystic

      Be tutored in the art of Oblivion by a twisted mentor.

      13.0 %

    8. The Sword of Caine

      Leave Ottawa and the Camarilla to join an unholy crusade against ancient evils.

      13.0 %

    9. The Night Clan

      Join the Court openly as a Lasombra and help oversee integration of the Magisters.

      13.0 %

    10. Face The Light

      Fight back against the light of truth alongside a trusted companion.

      8.69 %