
2 guides
  1. 0
    • She will never be real

    In Act 3 when you're sitting in front of Monika and she randomly says stuff, sit through around 15 of her monologues and you'll get the achievement. You can turn on auto and let the game run in the background while you do other stuff.

  2. 0
    • Dan says hi

    For this achievement you have to see every CG scene in the base game.
    First, get to the first poem writing part. Save your game there, make sure you don't overwrite this save. Then write all 3 poems in act 1 for sayori. After doing it and getting to the part where you're about to go to her house and gently open the door, load the save from earlier. Then do the same thing but write them for yuri. Afterwards do the same for natsuki, except this time keep playing until you get to act 4. If the ending is different from normal, then you did it right. Now all you have to do is watch the credits and you'll get the achievement.
    Some things to note-Make sure that when you are prompted with the choices "I love you" or "You're my dearest friend" with sayori, choose "I love you".
    You can use this guide to write the poems.
    You can also skip through all regular dialogue, none of it has any affect on gameplay.