
20 achievements
  1. Dashie's Puh-ranormal Activity 5 Nov '21

    20 achievements worth 5,050
    1. Mini Me

      Defeat the Dachie plushie.

      100 %

    2. I "CAN" DO EEEET

      Knock down all the cans in the can knockdown game.

      75 %

    3. Don't Tase Me Bro!

      Complete the Stomp-It game on Easy difficulty.

      75 %

    4. Missing Developer

      This achievement is hidden. Find the missing game developer.

      75 %

    5. Sixfth Sense

      Defeat the Dachie Plushie in 6 minutes or less on the Easy difficulty.

      75 %

    6. Whack to Level 5 .. pause

      Get to Level 5 on the Whack-A-Dash mini-game.

      50 %

    7. Not Clowning Around

      Knock over 3 clowns in one turn.

      50 %

    8. 3 of a Kind!

      Hit 3 of the same color balloons in a row. (Non-Black)

      50 %

    9. Whack to Level 10 ... pause

      Get to Level 10 on the Whack-A-Dash mini-game.

      50 %

    10. Dart Vader

      Hit 3 black balloons in a row.

      50 %

    11. Whack to Level 15 ... super pause

      Get to Level 15 on the Whack-A-Dash mini-game.

      50 %

    12. Doomsday Clock

      This achievement is hidden. Experience the alarm clock glitch.

      50 %

    13. MASTER WHACKER ... mega pause

      You were crazy enough to get to level 20 of Whack-A-Dash. What are you doing with your life?!?

      50 %

    14. Mini Me Don't Play

      Defeat the Dachie plushie on Hard difficulty.

      25 %

    15. Sixfth Sense Hard.. pause

      Defeat the Dachie Plushie in 6 minutes or less on Hard difficulty.

      25 %

    16. Don't Tase Me Hard Bro! (pause)

      Complete the Stomp-It game on Hard difficulty.

      25 %

    17. Do You Even Tase Bro?!?

      Complete the Stomp-It game without dieing on Hard difficulty.

      25 %

    18. Death Wish

      Activate all 4 toilets and both vacuums when the Dachie plushie is activated.

      25 %

    19. Death Wish (Hard...pause)

      Activate all 4 toilets and both vacuums when the Dachie plushie is activated on Hard difficulty.

      25 %

    20. The Tasey Eights

      Complete the Stomp-It game with 8 Michael's spawned.

      25 %