
73 achievements
  1. Social Services of the Doomed 23 Jun '22

    73 achievements worth 2,121
    1. This House Has Tails

      This achievement is hidden. Have a pet cat, as a demon.

      100 %

    2. A Full House

      This achievement is hidden. Harpies made themselves at home in your home.

      50 %

    3. The Heavenish Host

      If there are demons, this suggests…

      50 %

    4. The Buried Desk

      Ignore your paperwork.

      50 %

    5. Even More Senior

      Do well at work.

      50 %

    6. Heroic Efforts

      Go save someone from a fire.

      50 %

    7. Staying Alive

      This achievement is hidden. Saved the life of an unwise demon.

      50 %

    8. Zzzzzz

      Are you working too hard?

      50 %

    9. Ow! My Face!

      Should you be getting into these fights?

      50 %

    10. Who Needs a Soul?

      Hell can help you with this.

      50 %

    11. Contract Fulfillment

      Give Hell a hand.

      50 %

    12. My Rock Understands Me

      This achievement is hidden. Have a pet rock, as a troll.

      50 %

    13. 50 %

    14. There Can Be Only One

      Two senior mediators is too many.

      50 %

    15. Gravity Called

      This achievement is hidden. Knocked out of a window, and didn't survive the fall.

      50 %

    16. Less Light Pollution

      This achievement is hidden. The glass pyramid exploded, pleasing astronomers.

      50 %

    17. Iron Clucking

      This achievement is hidden. Bought a wrought iron chicken from the art fair.

      50 %

    18. Love and Business

      Get involved with a romantic interest.

      0 %

    19. The Bare Desk

      Pay attention to your paperwork.

      0 %

    20. Local Bureaucrat Helps Out

      Your neighborhood needs you.

      0 %

    21. Impromptu Vacation

      How much do you like this demon?

      0 %

    22. Get Back Here

      What's that ley line up to?

      0 %

    23. Work Perks

      This achievement is hidden. Dated your coworker, who understood your attachment to the job.

      0 %

    24. Some Wolves Need Punching

      Well, some of them do!

      0 %

    25. Into the Sunset

      This achievement is hidden. Ran away for the weekend, and never came back.

      0 %

    26. Apocalyptic

      What are a few crumbling buildings worth, anyway?

      0 %

    27. ???cubus

      This achievement is hidden. Succubus? Incubus? They took the third option.

      0 %

    28. Accidentally Infernal

      This achievement is hidden. Played right into Hell's hands, without them even asking.

      0 %

    29. Infernal Freedom

      Help a demon out.

      0 %

    30. Fangs Stay Inside

      Calm down some tensions between vampires and werewolves.

      0 %

    31. So Much Glowing

      This achievement is hidden. Met two kinds of angelic beings.

      0 %

    32. Touched By a Demon

      This achievement is hidden. Seduced an inanimate object.

      0 %

    33. Human Variations

      This achievement is hidden. Dated someone who used to be human, while human yourself.

      0 %

    34. Tidy As Heck

      Keep your city looking nice.

      0 %

    35. Back to the Cubicles

      Do poorly at work.

      0 %

    36. Work/Life Balance

      Keep yourself on an even keel.

      0 %

    37. Truly Infernal

      This achievement is hidden. Dated Hikaru, as a demon yourself.

      0 %

    38. Safer Stargazing

      This achievement is hidden. The glass pyramid exploded, without catching you in the blast.

      0 %

    39. Bloodsucking 101

      Get close to the vampires. No, closer.

      0 %

    40. Howl at the Moon

      Get close to the werewolves. No, closer.

      0 %

    41. Not So Infernal

      Are you with Hell, or against them?

      0 %

    42. Back to Work

      This achievement is hidden. Ran away for the weekend, then got back to work.

      0 %

    43. Friends Without Benefits

      Keep everything strictly platonic.

      0 %

    44. Go Down Swinging

      This achievement is hidden. Died in a proper fight.

      0 %

    45. Office Martyr

      This achievement is hidden. Got demoted, despite office opinion.

      0 %

    46. Sixteen Tons

      This achievement is hidden. Killed by a collapse from above.

      0 %

    47. Stone Solidarity

      This achievement is hidden. Dated Lee, as a stone troll.

      0 %

    48. Ice, Ice, Wizard

      This achievement is hidden. Put out the estate fire with your own magic.

      0 %

    49. The Most Popular Human

      This achievement is hidden. Be offered transformation by werewolves and vampires in the same day.

      0 %

    50. Teacher's Pet

      This achievement is hidden. Got promoted, despite human opinion.

      0 %

    51. Ice, Ice, Oh No

      This achievement is hidden. Iced over part of the city by accident.

      0 %

    52. The Cruelest Cut

      This achievement is hidden. Left Vanja to die in a fire. After starting a romance with them. Ouch.

      0 %

    53. Coming Home Again

      This achievement is hidden. Died and went to Hell…as a demon.

      0 %

    54. Work Before Pleasure

      Break up with a romantic interest.

      0 %

    55. Ley of the Land

      This achievement is hidden. Killed by the rogue ley line.

      0 %

    56. Never Read the Fine Print

      This achievement is hidden. Sold your soul without reading the contract.

      0 %

    57. Smoke and Flames

      This achievement is hidden. Died in the estate fire.

      0 %

    58. The Power of Crowds

      This achievement is hidden. Killed by a panicked crowd.

      0 %

    59. Give It Back!

      This achievement is hidden. Signed a contract with Hell, and then got it unwound.

      0 %

    60. Home Insurance Pays Off

      This achievement is hidden. Lost your house to city events while you were away.

      0 %

    61. Touched by an Angel

      This achievement is hidden. Killed by an angel in the archives.

      0 %

    62. The Least Ironic Death

      This achievement is hidden. Killed by an angel, as a demon.

      0 %

    63. Too Much Mundanity

      This achievement is hidden. Trampled by a panicked crowd, as a mundane human.

      0 %

    64. Worst Performance Review

      This achievement is hidden. Sent to the worst part of Hell in death.

      0 %

    65. Best Performance Review

      This achievement is hidden. Given a glorious infernal afterlife.

      0 %

    66. Freedom On Principle

      This achievement is hidden. Freed Hikaru, without any romance involved.

      0 %

    67. One with the Bedrock

      The stone is calling to you.

      0 %

    68. Fly, My Pretties!

      This achievement is hidden. Convinced harpies to attack Hell on your behalf.

      0 %

    69. Patron of the Arts

      Check out that art fair!

      0 %

    70. The Most Ironic Death

      This achievement is hidden. Died in an underground collapse, as a troll.

      0 %

    71. Not Cool, Bro

      This achievement is hidden. Got dumped by Shay.

      0 %

    72. Brutal Honesty

      This achievement is hidden. Told Shay that you had signed a contract with Hell.

      0 %

    73. Accidentally Angelic

      This achievement is hidden. Betrayed Hell…by accident.

      0 %