
6 achievements
  1. SATORI 19 Jul '21

    6 achievements worth 8,040
    1. “This is your play-space, your safe-place”

      This achievement is hidden. Begin your journey to enlightenment

      100 %

    2. “You are powerful. You are love.”

      This achievement is hidden. Collect enough Light Seeds in a single world to unlock meditation under the first tree.

      55.5 %

    3. “Every conscious moment we have is our chance to be reborn”

      This achievement is hidden. Be reborn in a new world by meditating under the first tree

      51.8 %

    4. “You’ve been missed — hope you’ve been well”

      This achievement is hidden. Return after a week-long break

      44.4 %

    5. “Balance and reflection are key to a healthy, happy life”

      This achievement is hidden. Play for 2 hours

      25.9 %

    6. “There is nothing left for the world to give, for you are complete and always have been”

      This achievement is hidden. Meditate after collecting 100% Light Seeds

      14.8 %