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    6 All achievements

    The concept for these achievements is simple, but the execution is a big problem. I have created a setup that will reach wave 50, but will become overwhelmed shortly after. Reaching wave 50 will kill roughly 5,000 ducks, which is enough for "First Duck Shooed!", "Baby Steps", and "Now We're Making Progress". Reaching wave 50 twice will unlock "Big Leaps".

    This screenshot shows the lane path and the initial tower setup. The cannons will cause AOE damage to the ducks coming in, and the blue circles will finish off stragglers.

    As you gain breadcrumbs, add more rockets along the entryway and a few more water guns at the end. The towers resell for 100% buy price, meaning if a new rocket turret will cost 510 but you only have 300, you could buy two water guns for 150 and sell them the next turn to buy the rocket turret. Build up until you reach the following setup.

    There is potential for better setups that can reach higher waves and speed up the process, but with this design it will take twenty runs to get "Almost There" and one hundred runs for "The Big One".