
19 achievements
  1. 3 TACTICAL LINES 14 Jul '22

    19 achievements worth 50
    1. deficit

      Go on an expedition and become a deficit

      100 %

    2. New boss

      Get the boss card

      0 %

    3. Win the Demon Dragon

      Win the Demon Dragon

      0 %

    4. nightmare

      Win the Pink Nightmare

      0 %

    5. Trader

      Trade 10 times

      0 %

    6. Collecting habit

      Get 500 cards

      0 %

    7. Miser

      Possess 100,000 GOLD

      0 %

    8. Collector

      Get over 150 types of cards

      0 %

    9. Extermination

      This achievement is hidden. Disables 5 or more units in a single attack

      0 %

    10. Overwhelming victory

      Win without allies incapacitated

      0 %

    11. First defense victory

      Win a defensive battle

      0 %

    12. Memory activation

      Clear memory game

      0 %

    13. White fast horse

      Win the Sky&Earth

      0 %

    14. Battle mania

      Win 100 card battles

      0 %

    15. True hero

      Kill a decayed hero with a holy double slash

      0 %

    16. Super Power

      This achievement is hidden. Inflicts 12 or more damage with a single blow

      0 %

    17. Dying return

      Return with someone who cannot participate in the battle

      0 %

    18. Expedition champion

      Complete all the main 1 and sub 1 and 2 quests of the expedition

      0 %

    19. Card master

      Get over 200 types of cards

      0 %