
30 achievements
  1. Dreamer 10 Apr '21

    30 achievements worth 5,050
    1. safe spot


      100 %

    2. You killed the stalker

      Stop following me

      50 %

    3. 50 %

    4. You killed the elf

      Everything that goes, comes back

      25 %

    5. Discovery of history

      Beginning of the gameplay

      25 %

    6. 25 %

    7. 0 %

    8. I prefer from afar

      you defeated many enemies

      0 %

    9. I'M STRONG

      you trust in your own strength

      0 %

    10. 0 %

    11. weightless


      0 %

    12. Can't with me

      you defeated many enemies

      0 %

    13. 0 %

    14. Not Today

      you can defend yourself well

      0 %

    15. strategist


      0 %

    16. Almost

      killed snipers

      0 %

    17. Between defense and attack

      The best offense is defense

      0 %

    18. 0 %

    19. You finished the story


      0 %

    20. Hitter

      The best offense is defense

      0 %

    21. What do i have against the elves

      you defeated many enemies

      0 %

    22. Death to Stalkers

      you defeated many enemies

      0 %