
21 achievements
  1. Top Gang 29 Nov '21

    21 achievements worth 49
    1. One behind the other

      Make a chain of 15 Nuggets

      100 %

    2. The shame of the profession

      Get on the helicopter without any nuggets

      0 %

    3. Play a versus mode

      Nothing personal, it's just business

      0 %

    4. It's a little tight

      Get on the helicopter with more than 20 nuggets

      0 %

    5. Unlock Willian

      Finish the Green Forest level

      0 %

    6. Unlock Mike

      Finish the Abandoned Desert level

      0 %

    7. Unlock Trix

      Finish the Iceland level

      0 %

    8. Unlock Tody

      Finish the Sea of ​​fire level

      0 %

    9. Unlock King

      Finish the Halloween level

      0 %

    10. End of contract

      complete all levels

      0 %

    11. no one will be left behind

      Defeat the boss without anyone in the group dying (all over 0 lives)

      0 %

    12. The Nuggets charmer

      Collect a total of 50 nuggets in a single level

      0 %

    13. Unlock Ninoniko

      Finish the Speed ​​City level

      0 %

    14. Traitor

      Make a friend die for the ghost

      0 %

    15. Does it all fit in the helicopter?

      Redeem a total of 300 nuggets in one match

      0 %

    16. Getting brain freeze

      Enter the helicopter being frozen

      0 %

    17. The party is complete

      Play with 3 more friends

      0 %

    18. The failure of gang R

      Get to the boss without losing a life

      0 %

    19. Look both ways

      Finish Speed City without getting hit by a vehicle

      0 %

    20. The last hope

      Play with 4 players and beat the boss alone

      0 %

    21. Top Gang

      finish a level with 4 players without losing one life

      0 %