
24 achievements
  1. The Royal Game of Ur 3D 12 Apr '22

    24 achievements worth 3,710
    1. Repetition

      Reroll 10 times.

      100 %

    2. 42: Life, Universe, and Everything

      This achievement is hidden. Reach a roll result sum of exactly 42.

      100 %

    3. Apprentice

      Finish the tutorial.

      100 %

    4. Flower Power

      This achievement is hidden. Get 10 rerolls in a single game.

      66.6 %

    5. Lucky Number Seven

      This achievement is hidden. Have 7 pieces on the board at the same time.

      66.6 %

    6. Kicker

      Kick 10 enemy pieces off the board.

      66.6 %

    7. You Shall Not Pass

      Kick 10 pieces in one game.

      66.6 %

    8. Normality

      Win a game against the normal AI.

      66.6 %

    9. Repeated Repetition

      Reroll 50 times.

      66.6 %

    10. Bully

      Kick 50 enemy pieces off the board.

      66.6 %

    11. Endless Repetition

      Reroll 100 times.

      66.6 %

    12. Beat Your Friend

      Win a game in local multiplayer.

      66.6 %

    13. Quite a Challenge

      Win a game against the hard AI.

      33.3 %

    14. You are the Danger

      Kick 100 enemy pieces off the board.

      33.3 %

    15. World Wide Winner

      Win a game in online multiplayer.

      33.3 %

    16. Easy Peasy

      Win a game against the easy AI.

      0 %

    17. May the Fours be With You

      This achievement is hidden. Get three fours in a row.

      0 %

    18. Master of AI

      Win 10 games against the normal AI.

      0 %

    19. Poser

      Win 10 games against the hard AI.

      0 %

    20. Flawless

      Flawless victory with 10 playing pieces.

      0 %

    21. A Walk in the Park

      Win 10 games against the easy AI.

      0 %

    22. Keep it Local

      Win 10 games in local multiplayer.

      0 %

    23. MMO

      Win 10 games in online multiplayer.

      0 %

    24. Final Boss

      This achievement is hidden. Beat the creator of this game.

      0 %