
100 achievements
  1. VERSUS: The Deathscapes 1 Jun '21

    100 achievements worth 50
    1. Escape from CLASSIFIED

      Successfully Evade CLASSIFIED

      100 %

    2. Vaccus Voting

      Play Politics Target Empress Vaccus for Versus Vote

      100 %

    3. Gloves Collection Card One

      Collect Trading Card One

      100 %

    4. Dhanthik Decode Step One

      Decode Step One of Dhanthik's Message

      100 %

    5. Gloves Collection Card Two

      Collect Trading Card Two

      100 %

    6. CLASSIFIED Survival

      Survive CLASSIFIED

      100 %

    7. Dhanthik Decode Step Two

      Decode Step Two of Dhanthik's Message

      100 %

    8. 100 %

    9. 100 %

    10. CLASSIFIED MemoryTravel

      Experience CLASSIFIED MemoryTravel

      100 %

    11. Achieved High Mastery

      Achieve High Mastery

      100 %

    12. the shades sectarian

      Select a sect in the shades

      100 %

    13. Gloves Collection Card Eight

      Collect Trading Card Eight

      100 %

    14. Growing And Changing

      Try Something New for Personal Change

      100 %

    15. MamaNa Ally Pinnacle

      CLASSIFIED: MamaNa Ending One

      100 %

    16. Ending Path One

      Unlock Ending Path One

      100 %

    17. Babel Lessons

      Unlock Full Babel Lessons

      100 %

    18. Combo Unlocked

      Unlock New Battle Stat: Combo

      100 %

    19. MamaNa Tenuous Ally

      Make An Ally of MamaNa—Tenuously

      100 %

    20. CLASSIFIED Angelique

      Sponsor CLASSIFIED Sphere

      100 %

    21. Strike Squad One

      Join Strike Squad One: CLASSIFIED

      100 %

    22. CLASSIFIED Babel A

      Experience CLASSIFIED Babel MemoryTravel

      100 %

    23. Gloves Collection Card Four B

      Collect Trading Card Four B

      100 %

    24. EndPath One CLASSIFIED END 3

      Unlock Ending Path One CLASSIFIED END 3

      100 %

    25. MamaNa Ally Mode Miss

      MamaNa Ally Mode Activated

      100 %

    26. Protection Sector

      Enter Protection Sector

      100 %

    27. Oli Reveal B

      Discover Oli Origin Half B

      100 %

    28. Allies With Oli

      You And Oli Work Well Together

      100 %

    29. Oli Reveal A

      Discover Oli Origin Half A

      0 %

    30. Strike Survival

      Survive Strike With Minimal Casualties

      0 %

    31. Growing Constantly

      Play to Strengths for Consistent Growth

      0 %

    32. Be Your Motivation

      Make Initial Motivation Clear

      0 %

    33. CLASSIFIED Babel B

      Experience CLASSIFIED Babel MemoryTravel

      0 %

    34. Gloves Collection Card Four A

      Collect Trading Card Four A

      0 %

    35. Friends With Oli

      Oli Means More Than Just Research

      0 %

    36. MamaNa Ally Mode Trust

      MamaNa Ally Mode Activated

      0 %

    37. CLASSIFIED Abnormalique

      Sponsor CLASSIFIED Sphere

      0 %

    38. Strike Squad Three

      Join Strike Squad Three: CLASSIFIED

      0 %

    39. Focus Unlocked

      Unlock New Battle Stat: Focus

      0 %

    40. MamaNa Ally

      Make An Ally of MamaNa

      0 %

    41. 0 %

    42. Alternate Ending

      Unlock Alternate Ending

      0 %

    43. 0 %

    44. Reject the shades

      Abstain from Selecting a sect in the shades

      0 %

    45. Trustworthy Sector

      Enter Trustworthy Sector

      0 %

    46. Abilities Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Abilities Stat

      0 %

    47. Lover Manifested

      Manifest Relationships Motivation, Alternate Ending

      0 %

    48. Romance Sequence 10

      Romance Broken Up

      0 %

    49. 0 %

    50. Revolution Sector

      Enter Revolution Sector

      0 %

    51. Dhanthik Decode Step Three

      Decode Step Three of Dhanthik's Message

      0 %

    52. Ending Path Two

      Unlock Ending Path Two

      0 %

    53. Gloves Collection Card Five

      Collect Trading Card Five

      0 %

    54. EndPath One CLASSIFIED END 1

      Unlock Ending Path One CLASSIFIED END 1

      0 %

    55. MamaNa Enemy Pinnacle

      CLASSIFIED: MamaNa Ending Three

      0 %

    56. Leader Manifested

      Manifest Power Motivation, Ending Path Two

      0 %

    57. Achieve Perfect Mastery

      Achieve Perfect Mastery

      0 %

    58. Gloves Collection Card Seven

      Collect Trading Card Seven

      0 %

    59. Strike Squad Two

      Join Strike Squad Two: CLASSIFIED

      0 %

    60. MamaNa Enemy Mode Hit

      MamaNa Enemy Mode Activated

      0 %

    61. MamaNa Enemy

      Make An Enemy of MamaNa

      0 %

    62. Revolutionary Manifested

      Manifest Freedom Motivation, Ending Path One

      0 %

    63. Weapons Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Weapons Stat

      0 %

    64. MamaNa Ending Two

      CLASSIFIED: MamaNa Ending Two

      0 %

    65. Achieve Perfect Growth

      Achieve Perfect Growth, Unlock Motivation Boost

      0 %

    66. Gloves Collection Card Six

      Collect Trading Card Six

      0 %

    67. Agent Manifested

      Manifest Survival Motivation, Ending Path One

      0 %

    68. 0 %

    69. Diversity Sector

      Enter Diversity Sector

      0 %

    70. MamaNa Enemy Mode Miss

      MamaNa Enemy Mode Activated

      0 %

    71. Calculating Sector

      Enter Calculating Sector

      0 %

    72. Gloves Collection Card Three

      Collect Trading Card Three

      0 %

    73. CLASSIFIED Accursique

      Sponsor CLASSIFIED Sphere

      0 %

    74. Disciple Manifested

      Manifest Growth Motivation, Alternate Ending

      0 %

    75. EndPath Two CLASSIFIED END 3

      Unlock Ending Path Two CLASSIFIED END 3

      0 %

    76. 0 %

    77. Romance Sequence 5B

      Three Strikes

      0 %

    78. Officer Manifested

      Manifest Service Motivation, Ending Path Two

      0 %

    79. EndPath Two CLASSIFIED END 2

      Unlock Ending Path Two CLASSIFIED END 2

      0 %

    80. 0 %

    81. Diversity Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Diversity Stat

      0 %

    82. MamaNa Ending Four

      CLASSIFIED: MamaNa Ending Four

      0 %

    83. 0 %

    84. Trustworthy Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Trustworthy Stat

      0 %

    85. CLASSIFIED Death

      Death: Unlock Rare Knowledge

      0 %

    86. EndPath Two CLASSIFIED END 1

      Unlock Ending Path Two CLASSIFIED END 1

      0 %

    87. 0 %

    88. 0 %

    89. Protection Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Protection Stat

      0 %

    90. Purity Sector

      Enter Purity Sector

      0 %

    91. Romance Sequence 8

      Everly After

      0 %

    92. 0 %

    93. Don't Trust Oli

      You Need Oli For Research, Nothing More

      0 %

    94. Romance Sequence 7

      Cadet Couple

      0 %

    95. Romance Sequence 2

      Baron Benefits

      0 %

    96. EndPath One CLASSIFIED END 2

      Unlock Ending Path One CLASSIFIED END 2

      0 %

    97. Calculating Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Calculating Stat

      0 %

    98. Revolution Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Revolution Stat

      0 %

    99. Purity Pinnacle

      Successfully Utilize Peak Purity Stat

      0 %

    100. Achieve Perfect Changing

      Achieve Perfect Changing, Unlock Motivation Boost

      0 %