
2 guides
  1. 6
    • Oh you don't know what Karlson is?

    This is really short, won't even take you a minute!

    • Create a new world
    • Use seed "931098003"
    • After spawning, turn left till you see a blue chest
    • Go to the blue chest and there will be a small computer to the right of it (On the floor)
    • Press the "E" key while looking at him and wishlist Karlson

    Here is a short video I made if you want to take a look at it:

  2. 1
    • David vs Goliath
    • The Black Swordsman

    Use the seed: -1991483181 (you have to put in the minus sign)
    The Night Blade will be in a chest in a cave near the lake
    Bonus: In the same seed, there will be a big chunk statue near spawn