
25 achievements
  1. The Play's the Thing 26 Aug '21

    25 achievements worth 2,121
    1. Packing Them In The Aisles

      Write a popular play.

      100 %

    2. A Timely Entrance

      Enter the Raven's Midwinter Ball on your first try.

      50 %

    3. Out of the Shadows

      Save the city from the curse.

      50 %

    4. The People's Playwright

      End the game a popular favorite.

      50 %

    5. A Royal Liaison

      Complete a romance with Falathar

      50 %

    6. We Look Forward To More

      Write a critically acclaimed play.

      50 %

    7. A Narrow Escape

      Prevent Ezren's death.

      50 %

    8. Prima Donna

      Persuade Mirabel to appear in your play.

      50 %

    9. Crowned With Laurels

      Be crowned by the critics.

      50 %

    10. Friends In High Places

      Become the Royal Playwright.

      50 %

    11. Master of the House

      Own your own theater.

      50 %

    12. A Spectacular Wedding

      Marry Falathar.

      50 %

    13. The Eponymous Theater

      Have the Odeon renamed in your honor.

      0 %

    14. A Playwright's Best Friend

      Make friends with Cinnamon.

      0 %

    15. Heights of Fashion

      Wear a daringly dramatic outfit.

      0 %

    16. A Great Adventure

      Complete a romance with Kit

      0 %

    17. A Friend And Lover

      Complete a romance with Diar.

      0 %

    18. Less Is More

      Finish the game with a simple wardrobe.

      0 %

    19. A Theatrical Affair

      Complete a romance with Nichol.

      0 %

    20. Tyranny Is Dead

      Kill the Raven.

      0 %

    21. Twin Thrones

      Arrange for Liathar and Falathar to rule jointly.

      0 %

    22. The Cursed Play

      Die onstage and enter theatrical legend.

      0 %

    23. A Curse On All Their Houses

      Call down the curse upon the city deliberately.

      0 %

    24. Exit Pursued By A Bear

      Flee the stage pursued by a bear.

      0 %

    25. Nor Iron Bars A Cage

      Escape from prison.

      0 %