- Super Go Outside
This achievement actually requires you to wait 10 years without launching the game. If you see someone with this achievement earlier than "27th of April 2032" feel free to report them, since they should be invalidated for this.
(NOTE: If you use follow guides that say, "Change time clock on your system adding 10 more years" or "Change the BIOS time to "this"", you would immediately receive a game invalidation, since the Unified Achievement Hunting Rules, which this website follows, doesn't allow the changing of your OS clock to bypass the passage of time)
0- Click on door 430 five times
This achievement requires some patience becaue after you start clicking the door "430" the narrator will say some things that you need, basically follow his directions all the time and then after some of his "dumb" directions, you should get the achievement
-1- Beat the game
- Speed run
In order to get this achievement you must do for the first time "Freedom" ending, where you follow everything that authour/narator says. After that just repeat the same steps, because the narator skips the part where you have to put the numbers to unlock a secret way to basement, after going through the gates, you will get the achievement. (If you go to the room for the first time and the secret way is not unlocked / still requires you to put numbers on keypad, then the narator will just say something like "Wait until this music plays over" which will take a lot of time).
Video links for reference:
First time "Freedom" ending video link:
Second time "Freedom" ending video link: