
17 achievements
  1. Rebels - Under the Spell of Magic (Chapter 2) 14 Jul '22

    17 achievements worth 49
    1. Who are you?

      Relive Meta's past

      0 %

    2. Bread and Styx

      Reach the tavern

      0 %

    3. Take my money!

      Watch the show from Folken's perspective

      0 %

    4. Diggy Diggy

      Encounter Elaema

      0 %

    5. Mash adorable

      Visit Doc

      0 %

    6. Bumpy ride

      Travel with Heribert

      0 %

    7. Family business

      Meet Tis-neva

      0 %

    8. Amusing

      Reach Darga

      0 %

    9. In disguise

      Escape from prison

      0 %

    10. End of Chapter 2

      Complete Chapter 2

      0 %

    11. Fly whale, fly

      Free the Alpozus

      0 %

    12. I got a big one!

      Meet the fisher

      0 %

    13. Don't be shy

      Meet Felizitas

      0 %

    14. 0 %

    15. Resemblance

      Watch the show from Meta's perspective

      0 %

    16. Brilliant idea!

      Climb the wall

      0 %

    17. First step

      Meet your spirit

      0 %