
85 achievements
  1. Dragon Fist: VR Kung Fu Playtest 1 Nov '21

    85 achievements worth 50
    1. Victory (Easy)

      Win a Fight in Easy or higher difficulty

      0 %

    2. Dominance (Easy)

      Win a fight with 3 stars in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    3. Victory (Medium)

      Win a Fight in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    4. Dominance (Medium)

      Win a fight with 3 stars in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    5. Mega Combo (Easy)

      Get a combo of 15 or more hits in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    6. Pressure Fighter (Easy)

      Hit 10 different pressure points during a round in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    7. Victory (Hard)

      Win a Fight in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    8. Pressure Fighter (Medium)

      Hit 10 different pressure points during a round in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    9. Victory (Harder)

      Win a Fight in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    10. Dominance (Hard)

      Win a fight with 3 stars in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    11. Mega Combo (Medium)

      Get a combo of 15 or more hits in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    12. Special Technique (Easy)

      Finish an opponent off using a (non weapon) special move in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    13. Kiss of the Dragon (Easy)

      Complete the game in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    14. Ring Out

      This achievement is hidden. Knock someone out of the boxing ring

      0 %

    15. That's Going to Sting (Easy)

      Hit someone in the head with a Shuriken or Flying Blade in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    16. Special Technique (Medium)

      Finish an opponent off using a (non weapon) special move in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    17. Head Hunter

      Land 25 Head Kicks

      0 %

    18. Bad Waiter (Easy)

      Smash some tableware on an opponents head in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    19. Dominance (Harder)

      Win a fight with 3 stars in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    20. That's Going to Sting (Medium)

      Hit someone in the head with a Shuriken or Flying Blade in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    21. Pressure Fighter (Hard)

      Hit 10 different pressure points during a round in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    22. Kiss of the Dragon (Medium)

      Complete the game in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    23. Pressure Fighter (Harder)

      Hit 10 different pressure points during a round in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    24. Bad Waiter (Medium)

      Smash some tableware on an opponents head in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    25. Flying Kick Down (Easy)

      Finish an opponent using a flying kick in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    26. Ninja Hunter

      Get a score of 30 or more on the Ninja Challenge

      0 %

    27. Special Technique (Hard)

      Finish an opponent off using a (non weapon) special move in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    28. Mega Combo (Hard)

      Get a combo of 15 or more hits in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    29. Mega Combo (Harder)

      Get a combo of 15 or more hits in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    30. That's Going to Sting (Hard)

      Hit someone in the head with a Shuriken or Flying Blade in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    31. Special Technique (Harder)

      Finish an opponent off using a (non weapon) special move in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    32. Despectacled

      This achievement is hidden. Completely break Fa Feng's lenses

      0 %

    33. Bad Waiter (Hard)

      Smash some tableware on an opponents head in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    34. Flying Blades (Easy)

      Finish an opponent off using a throwing weapon in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    35. Flying Blades (Medium)

      Finish an opponent off using a throwing weapon in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    36. Flying Kick Down (Medium)

      Finish an opponent using a flying kick in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    37. Flying Beat Down (Easy)

      Finish an opponent using a flying punch in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    38. Kiss of the Dragon (Hard)

      Complete the game in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    39. Kiss of the Dragon (Harder)

      Complete the game in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    40. Arcade Fire

      Get a score of 25 or more in Arcade Mode

      0 %

    41. That's Going to Sting (Harder)

      Hit someone in the head with a Shuriken or Flying Blade in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    42. Bad Waiter (Harder)

      Smash some tableware on an opponents head in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    43. Crockery (Easy)

      Knock out an opponent using some tableware in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    44. Crockery (Medium)

      Knock out an opponent using some tableware in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    45. Flying Blades (Hard)

      Finish an opponent off using a throwing weapon in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    46. Flying Blades (Harder)

      Finish an opponent off using a throwing weapon in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    47. Flying Kick Down (Hard)

      Finish an opponent using a flying kick in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    48. Flying Kick Down (Harder)

      Finish an opponent using a flying kick in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    49. Flying Beat Down (Medium)

      Finish an opponent using a flying punch in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    50. Dummy

      Finish the wooden dummy in under 30 seconds

      0 %

    51. Target Practice

      Get 100 or more on the the targets in the Bamboo Forest

      0 %

    52. Kiss of the Dragon (Master)

      Complete the game in Master difficulty

      0 %

    53. Full Marks (Easy)

      Get 3 stars on every opponent within a single save slot in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    54. Crockery (Hard)

      Knock out an opponent using some tableware in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    55. Crockery (Harder)

      Knock out an opponent using some tableware in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    56. Flying Beat Down (Hard)

      Finish an opponent using a flying punch in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    57. Flying Beat Down (Harder)

      Finish an opponent using a flying punch in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    58. Vandal

      This achievement is hidden. Break all the tables in the Kent Hon Restaurant

      0 %

    59. Body Blows (Easy)

      Win a fight without hitting your opponents head in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    60. Body Blows (Medium)

      Win a fight without hitting your opponents head in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    61. Body Blows (Hard)

      Win a fight without hitting your opponents head in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    62. Body Blows (Harder)

      Win a fight without hitting your opponents head in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    63. Head Banger (Easy)

      Win a fight only hitting your opponents head in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    64. Head Banger (Medium)

      Win a fight only hitting your opponents head in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    65. Head Banger (Hard)

      Win a fight only hitting your opponents head in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    66. Head Banger (Harder)

      Win a fight only hitting your opponents head in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    67. Completionist (Easy)

      Complete the game with every character in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    68. Completionist (Medium)

      Complete the game with every character in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    69. Completionist (Hard)

      Complete the game with every character in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    70. Completionist (Harder)

      Complete the game with every character in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    71. Completionist (Master)

      Complete the game with every character in Master difficulty

      0 %

    72. Staying Power (Easy)

      Complete Stamina Mode in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    73. Staying Power (Medium)

      Complete Stamina Mode in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    74. Staying Power (Hard)

      Complete Stamina Mode in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    75. Staying Power (Harder)

      Complete Stamina Mode in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    76. Staying Power (Master)

      Complete Stamina Mode in Master difficulty

      0 %

    77. Seeing Double (Easy)

      Complete Dragon Doubles Mode in Easy (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    78. Seeing Double (Medium)

      Complete Dragon Doubles Mode in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    79. Seeing Double (Hard)

      Complete Dragon Doubles Mode in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    80. Seeing Double (Harder)

      Complete Dragon Doubles Mode in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    81. Seeing Double (Master)

      Complete Dragon Doubles Mode in Master difficulty

      0 %

    82. Full Marks (Medium)

      Get 3 stars on every opponent within a single save slot in Medium (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    83. Full Marks (Hard)

      Get 3 stars on every opponent within a single save slot in Hard (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    84. Full Marks (Harder)

      Get 3 stars on every opponent within a single save slot in Harder (or higher) difficulty

      0 %

    85. Prickles

      This achievement is hidden. Knock Feng Xiu into some spikes

      0 %


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VR Only