
71 achievements
  1. I Am 1 18 Jun '22

    71 achievements worth 49
    1. The Adventure Begins

      "You begin your adventure! You will reach TRUE videogame status with Baby steps! Or... Baby... slides...?" Exit town for first time.

      0 %

    2. First Steps...

      "You took your first steps to something more than a lame pixel slider!" Reach the steps in the wilderness forest.

      0 %

    3. Hate The Grind

      "Don't all games have exp grinding tho? It get's better, just keep adventuring!" Trigger the "Grindy" Dialogue.

      0 %

    4. The More You Know...

      "Knowledge is power! And knowing is half the battle!" Scan an enemy for the first time.

      0 %

    5. The Real Game Begins!

      "You thought you were playing a game? No, the game just began son!" Enter the first Random Generated Area

      0 %

    6. JUKE EM!

      "Looks like you like to JUKE EM!" Jump over 10 enemies instead of killing them (Before becoming Big)

      0 %

    7. Struttin!

      "You don't just walk, you be struttin them new legs!" Get enough pixels to have functional legs.

      0 %

    8. KABLAM!

      "That enemy's probably complaining about how unfair that was. But not you! Good Job!" Defeat any big enemy in one hit with a sword.

      0 %

    9. Frikkin' Dark AF

      "The Dark Forest, this is as far as any sensible resident ever goes, but you are on an adventure so carry on!" Reach The Dark Forest

      0 %

    10. First Hurdle

      "You got passed the first challenge of many to come." Defeat a Fat Spiked pixel.

      0 %

    11. Mini Slime Slayer

      Defeat 100 Mini Slimes

      0 %

    12. Overpower The Enemy

      "There's two ways to win a battle, be smarter, or be stronger. Doesn't matter tho because both equals better!" Reach Lvl 200 before the Desert on first prestige.

      0 %

    13. Arid Wasteland

      "It's Hot, and there is a lot of sand! And why is that cactus trying to kill me!? Welcome to the Arid Regions!" Reach the Arid Regions.

      0 %

    14. Massacre

      Defeat a total of 1,000 enemies

      0 %

    15. Didn't Hurt.

      "If you stay ready, you ain't gotta get ready!" Survive the first punch from the Keh Keh Kid the first time, on first prestige.

      0 %

    16. Gob Slayer

      Defeat 100 Gobs

      0 %

    17. Spider Slayer

      Defeat 100 Spiders

      0 %

    18. Skinless Slayer

      Defeat 100 Skinless

      0 %

    19. It's Hot!

      "The heat radiating from the ground can melt your skin off! And can you believe there are creatures here that actually like it!?" Reach the Lava Biome

      0 %

    20. Mini Slime Destroyer

      Defeat 500 Mini Slimes

      0 %

    21. Slime Slayer

      Defeat 100 Slimes

      0 %

    22. Gob Archer Slayer

      Defeat 100 Gob Archers

      0 %

    23. Super Juan

      "Feel tha POWA!" Reach Level 300

      0 %

    24. Cactinator Slayer

      Defeat 100 Cactinators

      0 %

    25. Guy Slayer

      Defeat 100 Guys

      0 %

    26. There Are Cheat Codes!

      This achievement is hidden. "So you found the cheat code menu, And you cheated... I ain't mad at it..." Enter a valid cheat code.

      0 %

    27. Skinless Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Skinless

      0 %

    28. Ex-Genie Slayer

      Defeat 100 Ex-Genies

      0 %

    29. Orc Slayer

      Defeat 100 Orcs

      0 %

    30. Ghost Town

      "The West side of the abandoned E-Town. Not much of a military base anymore, it just looks like a strange town from some wacky movie" Reach West E-Town

      0 %

    31. Cactinator Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Cactinators

      0 %

    32. Glibbity Gloop

      This achievement is hidden. "The lil guy just won't stop dancing!" Find the Glibbity Gloop.

      0 %

    33. Spider Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Spiders

      0 %

    34. Fire Coolio Slayer

      Defeat 100 Fire Coolios

      0 %

    35. Golem Slayer

      Defeat 100 Golems

      0 %

    36. Skelly Man Slayer

      Defeat 100 Skelly Mans

      0 %

    37. Annihilation

      Defeat a total of 5,000 enemies

      0 %

    38. Gob Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Gobs

      0 %

    39. Slime Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Slimes

      0 %

    40. Gob Archer Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Gob Archers

      0 %

    41. Guy Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Guys

      0 %

    42. Fire Coolio Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Fire Coolios

      0 %

    43. Golem Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Golems

      0 %

    44. Mission Complete

      "What a weird situation, but mission complete! Note, that tampering with the natural order of events may cause undesired side effects..." Defeat the E-King on any prestige.

      0 %

    45. BANG!

      "Now this is an upgrade!" Defeat multiple enemies with one charged blast.

      0 %

    46. Mini Slime Decimator

      Defeat 2,000 Mini Slimes

      0 %

    47. Skinless Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Skinless

      0 %

    48. Ex-Genie Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Ex-Genies

      0 %

    49. Champion

      "Watch them enemies drop like flies, it's a lot of fun being that good!" Get a top score on any Arena, on any prestige.

      0 %

    50. Too Easy

      "An impressive feat that not even the devs have yet to achieve, really!" Defeat the Keh Keh Kid on the first try, on any prestige.

      0 %

    51. Slime Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Slimes

      0 %

    52. Gob Archer Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Gob Archers

      0 %

    53. Spider Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Spiders

      0 %

    54. Orc Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Orcs

      0 %

    55. Skelly Man Destroyer

      Defeat 300 Skelly Mans

      0 %

    56. E-Soldier Slayer

      Defeat 100 E-Soldiers

      0 %

    57. Decimation

      Defeat a total of 15,000 enemies

      0 %

    58. Do Not Not Enter

      This achievement is hidden. "Leave it to you to find an area that the Dev never intended for you to access... Or did he?" Find a particular area you were never meant to access"

      0 %

    59. Gob Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Gobs

      0 %

    60. Arena Master

      "Excellent! It seems you've realized the potential of the Arena." Complete any combination of Arenas, a total of 10 Times.

      0 %

    61. Orc Destroyer

      Defeat 1,000 Orcs

      0 %

    62. Cactinator Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Cactinators

      0 %

    63. Ex-Genie Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Ex-Genies

      0 %

    64. Guy Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Guys

      0 %

    65. Fire Coolio Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Fire Coolios

      0 %

    66. Golem Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Golems

      0 %

    67. Skelly Man Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 Skelly Mans

      0 %

    68. E-Soldier Destroyer

      Defeat 300 E-Soldiers

      0 %

    69. E-Soldier Decimator

      Defeat 1,000 E-Soldiers

      0 %

    70. Ultra Juan

      "POWA rushes through your vains!" Reach Level 1,000

      0 %

    71. Ultimate Jaun

      "It's not quite over level nine thousand, but it's more than enough!" Reach Level 3,000

      0 %