My first win
Survive and win a round as an Innocent
0 / 0 1 0 %
What goes around comes around
Have no karma change in 5 rounds
So this is Treason
Survive and win a round as a Traitor
A close one
Survive a Remington headshot
Can I play, daddy?
Reach rank 2
Resuscitate a Traitor as Doctor
Lucky Strike
End a round with 1 HP left
Get 200 wins as an Innocent
That smells
Find 200 bodies
Uh Oh
Be the last Innocent alive with 5 Traitors
Shut down
Turn off the Power Supply 40 times
The Turncoat
Get 100 wins as a Traitor
Win 100 Annihilation rounds
You are correct
Get 1000 correct kills
Round Master
Get 500 Player of the Round awards
Match Maker
Get 200 Player of the Match awards
Leet Holmes
Deliver 1337 clues
Revive 100 players
Resuscitate 100 players
Plant 200 bombs
The Godfather
Reach 116 000 score
The Butcher
Make 8 or more correct kills as a Traitor in one round
The Clutcher
Make 5 or more correct kills as an Innocent in one round
Revive the Don 50 times
Bomb Technician
Defuse 400 bombs
Kill a total of 300 Zombies