
30 achievements
  1. ConflictCraft 2 10 Feb '22

    30 achievements worth 2,230
    1. The beggining

      Destroy your first enemy

      100 %

    2. Tankss

      Send +99 tanks

      90.9 %

    3. Destroyerrrr

      Kill +99 tanks

      84.8 %

    4. Fast!

      Complete a level in 60 seconds

      84.8 %

    5. One by one

      Take control of 10 bases

      81.8 %

    6. Knowledge of War

      Complete all tutorials

      81.8 %

    7. Strategic EXPERT

      Send in the same time troops from 3 of your bases

      81.8 %

    8. Support

      Send support 10 times

      81.8 %

    9. F-15 x10

      Destroy 10 targets with F-15

      75.7 %

    10. The Hunter

      Unlock 10 achievements

      72.7 %

    11. Patriot

      Choose your flag

      66.6 %

    12. 499 tanks

      Send tanks 499 times

      63.6 %

    13. Look above!

      Kill +99 enemies with attack helicopters

      63.6 %

    14. Victory!

      Win 10 times

      63.6 %

    15. Heli Drop x100

      Send drop helicopters 100 times

      63.6 %

    16. Helicopter Boss

      Kill +99 enemies with helicopters

      63.6 %

    17. 63.6 %

    18. North Korea x5 Bomb

      Launch 5 korean bombs

      63.6 %

    19. Good job!

      Win 20 times

      63.6 %

    20. Map editor

      Open editor and edit a map

      63.6 %

    21. 43 levels left

      Unlock first 10 levels

      60.6 %

    22. Boom Boom Boom!!!

      Kill +499 tanks

      60.6 %

    23. Veteran

      Complete last level

      60.6 %

    24. Expert :)

      Win 30 times

      60.6 %

    25. Replay x10

      Replay for 10 times

      60.6 %

    26. Replay x50

      Replay for 50 times

      57.5 %

    27. Heli Attack x100

      Send attack helicopters 100 times

      54.5 %

    28. F-15 Eagle Killer

      Kill +49 enemies

      51.5 %

    29. Again!

      Lose 10 times

      51.5 %

    30. Try again!

      Lose +49 times

      48.4 %