
70 achievements
  1. A Crown of Sorcery and Steel 28 Oct '22

    70 achievements worth 5,049
    1. Hometown Hero

      Prove yourself to your people during the queen's invasion.

      100 %

    2. Signs & Sigils

      Learn the ancient art of elven sigil magic.

      100 %

    3. An Elf among the Remnant

      Play as an elf who grew up in Tiro among the Scattered Remnant.

      100 %

    4. The Ballad of Gataka and Gairon

      Save Gataka the dwarven bard from certain death.

      50 %

    5. Split the Party

      This achievement is hidden. Because of your choices, a party member has decided to leave…at least, for now.

      50 %

    6. An Eye of the Empress

      Become one of Queen Nidana's Eyes, a spy against the resistance.

      50 %

    7. The Queen's Favor

      This achievement is hidden. You've begun a romance with Queen Nidana.

      50 %

    8. The Secret of the Morningstar

      Free the elven children from the Morningstar's curse.

      25 %

    9. A Love Denied

      Start a romance with Khattya.

      25 %

    10. Save Breakwater

      Stop Breakwater from being destroyed.

      25 %

    11. The Perfect Score

      Pull off a perfect heist.

      25 %

    12. Runic Druid

      Learn the ancient art of dwarven rune magic.

      25 %

    13. The Animus Scrolls

      Recover the Animus Scrolls from the elven Annals.

      25 %

    14. Halfling Queen of the Thieves

      End Devatta's reign over the thieves' guild.

      25 %

    15. The Jewel of Kanda

      Ensure no Scribes die during the battle in the Hollows.

      25 %

    16. Inanimus Spell

      Channel the spell from the Animus Scrolls against Queen Nidana.

      25 %

    17. A Bond Stronger than Steel

      This achievement is hidden. Your friends are more important than any swords or scrolls made thousands of years ago.

      25 %

    18. The Right Hand of the Empress

      Help the queen destroy the Halyards.

      25 %

    19. A Dalliance in the Queen's Throne Room

      This achievement is hidden. You shared a perfect romantic moment with Queen Nidana in her throne room.

      25 %

    20. Last Stand at Elvar's Knuckle

      Accompany Okka to help with the dwarven revolt.

      25 %

    21. A Human from the Free Cities

      Play as a human from the free city of Ridgebank.

      0 %

    22. Saved Soldiers

      Keep most of your soldiers alive during the battle in the Hollows.

      0 %

    23. Alchemical Reactions

      Learn the ancient art of human alchemy.

      0 %

    24. Feel It in Your Bones

      Learn the ancient art of Vayyan bone scrying.

      0 %

    25. Hero of the Realm

      Become renowned as the hero of Kanda.

      0 %

    26. Don't Split the Party

      Keep all your party members alive until the end of the story.

      0 %

    27. End of the Empress

      Defeat the queen.

      0 %

    28. The Assembly of Scribes

      Accompany Khattya to the assembly of Scribes.

      0 %

    29. Blood and Steel

      Resolve the Artificer's Guild strike without any bloodshed.

      0 %

    30. A New Day

      Restore the Order of Scribes.

      0 %

    31. A Royal Rebuke

      Refuse the queen's offer.

      0 %

    32. New Order

      This achievement is hidden. You encouraged Khattya to leave the Order and find a new way to live.

      0 %

    33. A Song of Hope and Mourning

      Help Okka become a superstar bard.

      0 %

    34. Usurping the Usurper

      Drive Prince Lazar out of the Vayyan royal palace.

      0 %

    35. A Revolt to Remember

      Help the dwarves drive the magistrate out of Elvar's Knuckle.

      0 %

    36. A Love Stronger than Any Vow

      This achievement is hidden. You had one perfect moment of romance with Khattya.

      0 %

    37. First of the New Order

      Become a Scribe.

      0 %

    38. Sibling Squabble

      Accompany Vid to lay siege to his brother's fortress in the mountains.

      0 %

    39. A Taste of Romance

      Start a romance with Anattho.

      0 %

    40. An Orc from the Empire

      Play as an orc from Aum, a border city of the Vayyan Empire.

      0 %

    41. The Skaldsword

      Recover the Skaldsword from the elven Annals.

      0 %

    42. Long Live the King

      Help Vid reclaim his throne.

      0 %

    43. A Royal Courtship

      Start a romance with Vid.

      0 %

    44. Spare the Empress

      This achievement is hidden. You took the queen alive.

      0 %

    45. Shrewd Scoundrel

      Use the queen's attack on your people as an opportunity to steal things.

      0 %

    46. More Powerful than Any Weapon

      This achievement is hidden. You failed to get the Animus scrolls or the Skaldsword, but the knowledge you uncovered may be key to ending Nidana's reign.

      0 %

    47. Sabotage!

      This achievement is hidden. You sabotaged the trip to the Annals, ensuring a powerful elven relic will remain buried.

      0 %

    48. A Dwarf Safe in the Mountains

      Play as a dwarf from the mountain enclave of Hichinaka.

      0 %

    49. The Wielder

      Wield the Skaldsword against the queen.

      0 %

    50. Love among Thieves

      Start a romance with Cora.

      0 %

    51. Polymage

      Learn the magic of all the cultures of the realm: elves, dwarves, humans, and orcs.

      0 %

    52. Off with Her Head

      This achievement is hidden. You killed the queen.

      0 %

    53. No Mercy

      This achievement is hidden. You convinced Vid not to spare his brother.

      0 %

    54. Brotherly Love

      This achievement is hidden. You convinced Vidius to spare his brother.

      0 %

    55. A Stolen Moment

      This achievement is hidden. You had one perfect moment of romance with Cora.

      0 %

    56. A Love Ballad

      Start a romance with Okka.

      0 %

    57. A Cook in the Kitchen

      This achievement is hidden. You had one perfect moment of romance with Anattho.

      0 %

    58. Dwarven Freedom

      Win the dwarves their freedom from the occupation in the south mountains.

      0 %

    59. A Prince's Promise

      This achievement is hidden. You had one perfect moment of romance with Vid.

      0 %

    60. Four Finger Discount

      This achievement is hidden. You chopped off your finger to prove yourself to the Order of the Four Fingers.

      0 %

    61. The One Who Wears the Crown

      Become the sole ruler of all of Kanda.

      0 %

    62. A Faith Rewarded

      This achievement is hidden. You helped encourage Khattya to hold to her vows and stay in the Order.

      0 %

    63. Revenge, Not Justice

      This achievement is hidden. You convinced Okka not to give into the lust for revenge.

      0 %

    64. The Dirty Work of Justice

      This achievement is hidden. You spared Okka from having to kill Caleso by doing it yourself.

      0 %

    65. A Bard's Muse

      This achievement is hidden. You spent the kind of night with Okka that bards write great love songs about.

      0 %

    66. Justice, Not Revenge

      This achievement is hidden. You convinced Okka to kill Caleso as justice for all the strife in these mountains.

      0 %

    67. A Crack in Her Majesty's Facade

      This achievement is hidden. You weren't able to defeat the queen once and for all, but you destroyed her Forge.

      0 %

    68. Matchmaker

      Ensure the fates align so that two of your party members end up in a relationship.

      0 %

    69. Death of a King

      This achievement is hidden. The legends will long tell of the day Vidius Laconis Dacarum the Third died in a fierce struggle against his brother.

      0 %

    70. Total Party Kill

      End the game with every one of your party members who can die dead.

      0 %