
21 achievements
  1. PVNP 13 Jun '22

    21 achievements worth 49
    1. Are you trying to lose?

      This achievement is hidden. Get a red light on the introduction puzzle.

      100 %

    2. Boots are made for what?

      Master each puzzle in the teal section.

      100 %

    3. Rockhound

      Master each puzzle in the yellow section.

      100 %

    4. What the shell?

      Master each puzzle in the gold section.

      100 %

    5. Millenial Problems

      Master each puzzle in the blue section.

      100 %

    6. First...

      This achievement is hidden. Solve one optional puzzle.

      100 %

    7. Second...

      This achievement is hidden. Solve two optional puzzles.

      100 %

    8. Full Circle

      Master each puzzle in the green section.

      0 %

    9. Top Heavy

      Master each puzzle in the black section.

      0 %

    10. Meiosis

      Master each puzzle in the purple section.

      0 %

    11. Lapidarist

      Master each puzzle in the red section.

      0 %

    12. The Warehouseman

      Master all puzzles.

      0 %

    13. Instinct

      Finish the game in less than 1:45:00.

      0 %

    14. In Deep Thought

      Finish the game.

      0 %

    15. Third time's a charm

      This achievement is hidden. Solve all three optional puzzles.

      0 %

    16. Pushing the Envelope

      Finish the game in less than 3200 pushes.

      0 %

    17. No regrets

      Finish the game without resetting.

      0 %

    18. The only path is forward

      Finish the game without an undo.

      0 %

    19. SECRETS!

      This achievement is hidden. Finish all secret puzzles.

      0 %

    20. Push Bot 9000!

      This achievement is hidden. Master all secret puzzles.

      0 %

    21. Allan is awesome

      This achievement is hidden. Master the Warehousman.

      0 %