
10 achievements
  1. Another Side 7 Jun '22

    10 achievements worth 3,710
    1. Entering The Forest.

      Enter the forest.

      100 %

    2. Escape the Flames.

      Save the child.

      0 %

    3. Restless wait.

      Find the second secret room.

      0 %

    4. What the Eyes Don't See.

      Meet the Shadow for the first time.

      0 %

    5. The call.

      Find the secret room.

      0 %

    6. A Sad Tale.

      Read the story.

      0 %

    7. Open doors.

      Enter the white door.

      0 %

    8. Bad ending.

      Make the bad ending.

      0 %

    9. On the Right Path.

      This achievement is hidden. Queime os quadros.

      0 %

    10. Good ending.

      Make the ending good.

      0 %